Bhopal To Mumbai Train Ticket Price

Bhopal to Mumbai train ticket price and booking: In this post, we will give information about trains running between Bhopal Junction (BPL) and Mumbai Central (CSTM). The lowest fare for a sleeper coach from Bhopal to Mumbai is Rs 425/- and the highest fare for an AC coach is Rs 1470/-.

A total of 25 trains run on the Bhopal to Mumbai route, out of which 5 trains depart for Mumbai (CSMT), 2 trains for Bandra Terminus (BDTS), 2 trains for Dadar Central (DR), 14 trains for Lokmanya Tilak Terminus (LTT) and Panvel (PNVL). 2 trains for ) are determined for. All the famous trains going from Bhopal to Mumbai are given in the list below. Which can be helpful for you. You can contact us anytime for any other help.

Bhopal to Mumbai Train List with Price
Train No Train Name Sleeper Class Fare (SL)
22222 Mumbai CSMT Rajdhani Express ₹ 2020 (3A)
12533 Pushpak Express ₹ 465
12138 Punjab Mail ₹ 465
11058 Amritsar - Mumbai CSMT Express ₹ 435
11072 Kamayani Express ₹ 425
22537 Kushinagar Express ₹ 455
20104 GORAKHPUR - MUMBAI LTT SF Express ₹ 455
12618 Mangala Lakshadweep Express ₹ 455

The above list includes only daily trains running between Bhopal to Mumbai. But there are many other trains also which run at regular intervals. If you want to know the ticket fare of a particular train. So you can contact us (Saroj Travels) on the above mobile number.

Pushpak Express (12533) Ticket Price

In this section, we are presenting the train details of PUSHPAK EXPRESS (12533) which runs from Bhopal Junction (BPL) to Mumbai Central (CSMT). Pushpak Express runs daily on this route. PUSHPAK EXPRESS departs at 07:10 AM from Bhopal Junction (BPL) and reaches Mumbai Central (CSMT) at 10:45 PM. The sleeper coach fare in Pushpak Express from Bhopal to Mumbai is Rs 465/- and the AC coach fare list is given below. Pushpak Express passes through stations Itarsi Junction, Bhusaval Junction, Manmad Junction, Igatpuri etc. The train ticket booking facility for Pushpak Express is available with us.

Pushpak Express Bhopal to Mumbai Ticket Price List
Coch Type General Fare Tatkal Fare
Second Seating (2S) ₹ 260 NA
Sleeper (SL) ₹ 465 ₹ 585
3A - 3 Tier AC ₹ 1130 ₹ 1445
2A - 2 Tier AC ₹ 1720 ₹ 2205
1A - 1 Tier AC ₹ 2895 NA

Mumbai CSMT Express (11058) Ticket Price

MUMBAI CSMT EXPRESS (11058) departs Bhopal Junction (BPL) at 9:25 AM and reaches Mumbai Central (CSMT) at 12:05 AM. Mumbai CSMT Express runs daily on this route. Sleeper Class fare from Bhopal to Mumbai in Mumbai CSMT Express is Rs 435/-. However, the ticket fare for this train is given in detail in the table below. For any other information or help related to this train, you can contact us without hesitation.

ASR-CSMT Exp (11058) Bhopal to Mumbai Ticket Fare List
Coch Type General Fare Tatkal Fare
Second Seating (2S) ₹ 245 NA
Sleeper (SL) ₹ 435 ₹ 555
3A - 3 Tier AC ₹ 1170 ₹ 1505
2A - 2 Tier AC ₹ 1675 ₹ 2160

Punjab Mail (12138) BPL-CSMT Ticket Fare

Here are details of a train named Punjab Mail (12138) from Daily Trains list. Punjab Mail departs from Bhopal Junction (BPL) at 4:40 pm and reaches Mumbai Central (CSMT) at 7:35 am. Sleeper coach fare from Bhopal to Mumbai in Punjab Mail is Rs 465/- and AC coach fare is given below in the ticket price list. Punjab Mail runs daily on this route. Punjab Mail runs from Firozpur Cantt and reaches Mumbai Chhatrapati Shivji Maharaj Terminal via stations like Narmadapuram, Khandwa Junction, Chalisgaon Junction, Dadar Central etc.

Panjab Mail (12138) BPL-CSMT Ticket Price List
Coch Type General Fare Tatkal Fare
Second Seating (2S) ₹ 260 NA
Sleeper (SL) ₹ 465 ₹ 585
3A - 3 Tier AC ₹ 1215 ₹ 1555
2A - 2 Tier AC ₹ 1720 ₹ 2205
1A - 1 Tier AC ₹ 2895 NA

Kamayani Express BPL-LTT Ticket Price

Kamayani Express (11072) is the most popular train from Bhopal to Mumbai. This train starts from Varanasi and reaches Mumbai Lok Manya Tilak. You can catch Kamayani Express at 8 AM from BHOPAL. Which reaches you in Mumbai at night at 11:00 PM. The fare for this train from Bhopal to Mumbai is Rs 425. However, the detailed fare of Kamayani Express is given in the table below. You can contact on the number given below for ticket booking or any other help with this train.

Kamayani Express (11072) BPL-LTT Ticket Price List
Coch Type General Fare Tatkal Fare
Second Seating (2S) ₹ 260 NA
Sleeper (SL) ₹ 425 ₹ 550
3E - 3 AC Economy ₹ 1065 ₹ 1380
3A - 3 Tier AC ₹ 1155 ₹ 1490
2A - 2 Tier AC ₹ 1650 ₹ 2130

FAQs on the Bhopal to Mumbai Train

In the above article, we have given almost all the information about train ticket fares of Bhopal to Mumbai route. But some travelers have many questions in their mind, so here we are trying to answer some of them with the help of “Frequently Asked Questions” below. We hope it will be useful for you. You can contact us for more details and ticket booking. Thank you.

The distance between Bhopal to Mumbai by train is approximately 820 KM.

The Mumbai CSMT Rajdhani Express (22222) is the highest-speed train running between Bhopal to Mumbai. It takes 10 hours and 35 minutes.

A total of 25 trains run between Bhopal and Mumbai. In which 8 trains run daily and 17 trains run weekly. For more information, you can contact Saroj Travels.

The slowest train between Bhopal and Mumbai is the PUSHPAK EXPRESS (12533). It departs from Bhopal at 7:10 AM and reaches Mumbai at 10:45 PM.

Hello friends, my name is Rohit Sonkar. I am the writer and founder of this blog (Saroj Travels), and I share all the information related to train ticket fares, ticket booking, train routes, train timing, and home base ticket booking through this website.

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