Ahmedabad to Somnath Train Ticket Price

Ahmedabad to Somnath Ticket Price and Booking: You all must know that the nearest railway station to Somnath is Veraval (VRL). Around 10 trains are running from Ahmedabad To Somnath, with ticket fare starting from Rs 265 to a maximum of Rs 1705. In the section below, we have given ticket fares for some of the popular trains. If you want to know the ticket fare of any other train, you can ask us by commenting below. Also, if you wish, you can inquire by contacting the contact number given below.
Saroj Travels provides the facility of train ticket booking sitting at home. If you want to book a ticket from Ahmedabad to Somnath train (Veraval), then you can book by contacting the number given below.

 Ahmedabad To Somnath InterCity Exp Ticket Fare

If you want to travel from Ahmedabad to Somnath any day then 19119 – ADI SMNH IC Express can be a good option for you. In which the price of a chair car ticket is Rs 580. If you book a Tatkal ticket on this train then the ticket prices may increase slightly. If you want to know about this train in detail then you can see the given table.

Pooja SF Express (Jammu-Ajmer) Ticket Fare
Coch Type General Fare Tatkal Fare
SL - Sleeper Class ₹ 520 ₹ 660
3A - THIRD AC ₹ 1365 ₹ 1750
2A - SECOND AC ₹ 1940 ₹ 2465
1A - FIRST AC ₹ 3275 NA

 Veraval Express ( ADI To VRL) Train Ticket Price

16334 – Veraval Express runs from Ahmedabad to Veraval on Wednesday of the week. In which the price of a sleeper class ticket is Rs 265, and the price of a 3rd executive class ticket is Rs 660. And 3AC and 2nd AC ticket prices are Rs 720 and Rs 1020 respectively.

16334 - VERAVAL EXPRESS (Ahmedabad-Ajmer) Ticket Fare
Coch Type General Fare Tatkal Fare
SL - Sleeper Class ₹ 265 ₹ 385
3E - 3 AC ECONOMY ₹ 660 ₹ 840
3A - THIRD AC ₹ 720 ₹ 940
2A - SECOND AC ₹ 1020 ₹ 1345

Somnath Express ( ADI to VRL) Ticket Fare

Hello passengers, to travel from Ahmedabad to Somnath you can opt for 22957 – Somnath Express. In which the price of sleeper class tickets is Rs 295 and the price of 3AC and 2AC class tickets are Rs 765 and Rs 1065 respectively. If you book a Tatkal ticket on this train then the ticket prices may increase slightly. 

22957 - SOMNATH EXPRESS (ADI-VRL) Ticket Fare
Coch Type General Fare Tatkal Fare
SL - Sleeper Class ₹ 295 ₹ 395
3A - THIRD AC ₹ 795 ₹ 1080
2A - SECOND AC ₹ 1065 ₹ 1485

FAQs on Ahmedabad to Somnath Trains 

In this section, we are answering some of the questions asked by passengers about the Ahmedabad to Somnath train.

There are 10 trains running between Ahmedabad Junction and Somnath, some trains run on a weekly basis and some on a daily basis.

The distance by rail between Ahmedabad and Somnath is 431 kilometers. 22957-Somnath Express covered this distance in 7 hours 50 mins.

19217-Saurashtra Janta Express from Ahmedabad to Somnath has a sleeper class ticket priced at Rs 265 and 3AC, 2AC, and 1AC tickets priced at Rs 720, Rs 1020, and Rs 1705 respectively.

However, there are many ways to book train tickets from Ahmedabad to Somnath. For example, to get tickets at IRCTC, Nearest Railway Counter, or at home, you can contact Saroj Travels and get tickets at home.

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