Jammu to Ajmer Train Ticket Price

Jammu to Ajmer Train Ticket Price & Booking: Two trains are running between Jammu and Ajmer. One of which is Ahmedabad Express (19416) and the other is Pooja Superfast Express (12414). Ahmedabad Express departs Jammu every Tuesday at 12:33 PM and reaches 01:15 PM the next day. You get the same Pooja Express every day from Jammu Tawi at 6:15 pm which reaches Ajmer at 12:10 pm the next day. The fare from Jammu to Ajmer starts from Rs 520 for sleeper class and can go up to a maximum of Rs 3275. This fare varies according to the train and coach for which we have given the ticket fare table in detail below.

Now if you want to book a train ticket from Jammu to Ajmer then you can contact us on the number given below and book your ticket sitting at home and also if you need any other information and help then you can contact us.

Pooja SF Express (Jammu to Ajmer) Ticket Price

Pooja Superfast Express (12414) is the most famous train from Jammu to Ajmer as you get this train daily from Jammu to Ajmer. The ticket fare of this train starts from Rs 520 for sleeper class and Rs 3275 for first AC. However, this fare may increase the ticket booking time slightly as in online ticket booking you will also have to pay the IRCTC convenience fee, transaction fee, and agent convenience fee.
In the table given below, we have given detailed information about the ticket fare of this train, still, if you need any other type of information related to this train then you can contact us at the number given below.

Pooja SF Express (Jammu-Ajmer) Ticket Fare
Coch TypeGeneral FareTatkal Fare
SL - Sleeper Class₹ 520₹ 660
3A - THIRD AC₹ 1365₹ 1750
2A - SECOND AC₹ 1940₹ 2465
1A - FIRST AC₹ 3275NA

Ahmedabad Express (Jammu to Ajmer) Ticket Fare

Ahmedabad Express (19416) SVDK runs between Katra and Ahmedabad. This train reaches you every Tuesday at 12:28 PM from Jammu Tawi via Jalandhar, Hisar Alwar and Jaipur and reaches Ajmer at 1:15 PM. Jammu to Alwar ticket fare for this train starts from Rs 525 and maximum is Rs 2025. We have given the detailed fare in the table below. For any further information and inquiry you can contact us.

19416 - SVDK ADI EXP (JAT-AII) Ticket Fare
Coch TypeGeneral FareTatkal Fare
SL - Sleeper Class₹ 525₹ 665
3A - THIRD AC₹ 1405₹ 1810
2A - SECOND AC₹ 2025₹ 2550

FAQs on Jammu to Ajmer Trains

In the above section, we have given the ticket fares for both trains going from Jammu to Ajmer. In this section we will see answers to some questions related to these two trains. If you have any other queries related to Jammu to Ajmer train, you can comment below. If you want, you can also inquire by contacting the number given above.

12414 – Jammu AII Express Ludhiana to Ajmer sleeper class ticket price is Rs 430 and 3AC, 2AC, and 1AC ticket prices are Rs 1140, Rs 1605, and Rs 2695 respectively.

The total distance from Jammu to Ajmer is 1228 km which is covered by 19416 – SVDK Adi Express in 24 hrs 42 mins.

12414 – JAT AII EXPRESS departs from Jammu Tawi Junction at 6:15 AM on every day of Sepratah and reaches Ajmer Junction at 12:10 PM via Pathankot, Ambala, Old Delhi etc.

However, there are many ways to book train tickets for Jammu and Ajmer like IRCTC, Nearest Railway Stations, or contact Saroj Travels to get tickets at home.

Sleeper class ticket fare of Pooja Express from Jammu to Ajmer is Rs 520 and 3 tier AC class ticket fare is Rs 1366. While 2 AC and 1 AC class ticket fare is Rs 1940 and Rs 3275 respectively. For detailed fare information, you can contact Saroj Travels.

Two trains run between Jammu and Ajmer. The name and number of these two trains are Pooja Express (12414) and Ahmedabad Express (19416).

Pooja Express (12414) departs from Jammu Tawi at 6:15 daily and reaches Ajmer at 12:10 pm the next day via LUDHIANA, AMBALA, DELHI, ALWAR, and JAIPUR.

Bangalore To Ajmer Train Ticket Fare & Booking
Ahmedabad to Ajmer Train Ticket Fare & Booking

Hello friends, my name is Rohit Sonkar. I am the writer and founder of this blog (Saroj Travels), and I share all the information related to train ticket fares, ticket booking, train routes, train timing, and home base ticket booking through this website.

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