Kalka to Shimla Toy Train Booking: Hello friends, do you want to enjoy Kalka to Shimla Toy Train? If yes, then here we will tell you how to book Kalka to Shimla toy train ticket. Along with this, you can also know the ticket price of all trains here.
Find below a list of all Kalka to Shimla train ticket prices. If you want to book a ticket for any toy train then contact us at the number given below.
Table of Contents
ToggleKalka to Shimla Train Ticket Price
There are 8 trains running from Kalka to Shimla which are listed in the below table. Also, in the below table, you can find Kalika to Shimla Sleeper Class train ticket fare. If you want to know the ticket fare of any other coach then calls on the number given below.
Kalka To Shimla Toy Train Ticket Price | ||
Train No | Train Name | First (FC) |
52457 | Kalka Shimla Passenger | ₹ 475 |
52451 | Shivalik Deluxe Express | ₹ 595 |
52453 | Kalka - Shimla NG Express | ₹ 300 |
52459 | Him Darshan Express (Vistadome) | ₹ 630 |
52455 | Himalayan Queen (Kalka to Shimla) | ₹ 475 |
Kalka To Shimla Train Time Table
As seen above there are 8 trains from Kalka to Shimla. Here we will know about the arrival and departure timings of all the trains. For this see the table given below. Given below is the Kalka (KLK) to Shimla (SML) train time table. For more information you can ask us by commenting below.
Kalka Shimla Toy Train Timings | |||
Train No | Train Name | Departure | Arrival |
52457 | Kalka Shimla Passenger | 03:45 AM | 08:55 AM |
04543 | KALKA - SHIMLA Express Special | 03:30 AM | 08:50 AM |
72451 | Kalka - Shimla Rail Motor | 05:25 AM | 09:25 AM |
52451 | Shivalik Deluxe Express | 05:45 AM | 10:50 AM |
52453 | Kalka - Shimla NG Express | 06:20 AM | 11:50 AM |
52459 | Him Darshan Express (Vistadome Train) | 07:00 AM | 12:30 PM |
52455 | Himalayan Queen (Kalka to Shimla) | 11:55 PM | 05:20 PM |
01627 | Kalka Shimla Express Special | 01:05 PM | 07:40 PM |
Kalka To Shimla Train Route Stations List
Kalka to Shimla Train route has a short 15–14 stations. However, most train stops at all these stations. Below we have given the list of all the stations from which the train goes from Kalka to Shimla.
Taksal (TSL)
Gummn (GMM)
Koti (KOTI)
Sonwara (SWO)
Sharampur Himachal (DMP)
Kumaarhatti Dagshai (KMTI)
Barog (BOF)
Solan (SOL)
Salogra (SLR)
Kndaghat (KDZ)
Kanoh (KANO)
Kathleeghat (KEJ)
Shoghi (SGS)
Taradevi (TVI)
Summer Hill (SHZ)
Shimla (SML)
How to book Toy train from Kalka to Shimla?
The easiest way for Kalka to Shimla toy train booking is the travel agent. For which you can contact India’s best travel agent Saroj Travels at 9120-4200-20. Or click on the button given below!
FAQs on Kalka to Shimla Toy Train
Know the answers to frequently asked questions about the Kalka to Shimla Toy Train and proceed to book toy train tickets from the comfort of your home.
The best toy train from Kalka to Shimla is Vistadome. If you want to enjoy Shimla from Kalka to the fullest, then book 52453 – KlK SML Exp in Vistadome coach. Believe me, you will not be able to forget this experience throughout your life.
Between Kalka to Shimla Toy Train ticket prices can range from Rs 265 to Rs 630. Because the ticket fare varies depending on the train and coach. However, to know the actual fare of the Kalka to Shimla Toy train, you can contact Saroj Travels at 9120-4200-20.
For online toy train booking from Kalka to Shimla, you can contact Saroj Travels at 9120-4200-20. Saroj Travels provides an online ticket booking facility from the comfort of your home across India.
Yes, you can book Kalka to Shimla toy train. But for this, you will have to contact a any travel agent. Well, Saroj Travels is the best option for you for Kalka-Shimla toy train booking.
Vistadome ticket fare from Kalka to Shimla is Rs 630 per person. But if you book the ticket from a travel agent then the fare may increase slightly. For Kalka to Shimla Vistadome Ticket booking, Contact Saroj Travels at 9120-4200-20.

Author: Rohit Sonkar
Hello friends, my name is Rohit Sonkar. I am the writer and founder of this blog (Saroj Travels), and I share all the information related to train ticket fares, ticket booking, train routes, train timing, and home base ticket booking through this website.