Nagpur To Bilaspur Vande Bharat Express Ticket Price

Nagpur To Bilaspur Vande Bharat Express Ticket Price & Booking: Vande Bharat Express (20826) Nagpur to Bilaspur ticket fare is Rs 1240 and Rs 2240 for AC Chair Car and Executive Class respectively. This train runs from Nagpur to Bilaspur six days a week. Which starts from Nagpur Jn at 2.05 PM and reaches Bilaspur Jn at 7.25 PM via Gondia, Raipur etc. Vande Bharat Express (20826) ticket fare is given in detail in the table below. And for online ticket booking contact Saroj Travels.

Vande Bharat Nagpur to Bilaspur Ticket Fare

To go from Nagpur to Bilaspur, Vande Bharat Express (20826) is your best option because this train reaches you from Nagpur to Bilaspur in just 5 hours 20 minutes. Vande Bharat Express (20826) fare from Nagpur to Bilaspur is Rs 1240 for the AC Chair Car and Rs 2240 for the Executive Class. For any other information and assistance, you can contact Saroj Travels.

Vande Bharat Express (22225) NGP-BSP Ticket Fare
Coch TypeGeneral FareTatkal Fare
CC - AC Chair Car₹ 1240₹ 1475
EC - Executive Chair Car₹ 2240₹ 2755

Vande Bharat Nagpur to Raipur Ticket Fare

The most popular train for traveling between Nagpur to Raipur is Vande Bharat Express (train number 20826). The AC Chair Car fare for this train is Rs 1065, while the Executive Class fare is Rs 1890. This train departs from Nagpur at 2 pm and arrives in Raipur at 5.45 pm. If you want to book tickets or check the ticket price for the journey from Nagpur to Raipur or vice versa, you can contact Saroj Travels.

Vande Bharat Express (22225) NGP-R Ticket Fare
Coch TypeGeneral FareTatkal Fare
CC - AC Chair Car₹ 1065₹ 1265
EC - Executive Chair Car₹ 1890₹ 2310

Vande Bharat Bilaspur to Nagpur Ticket Fare

If you want to travel from Bilaspur to Nagpur in Vande Bharat Express (20825), then you will have to pay Rs 1075 for AC Chair Car (CC) and Rs 2045 for the executive class (EC). However, the ticket fare of this train is given in detail below. And for ticket booking, you can contact the number given below.
Vande Bharat Express (22225) BSP-NGP Ticket Fare
Coch TypeGeneral FareTatkal Fare
CC - AC Chair Car₹ 1075₹ 1310
EC - Executive Chair Car₹ 2045₹ 2560

FAQs on Vande Bharat Express Nagpur-Bilaspur-Nagpur

Important information regarding Nagpur to Bilaspur Vande Bharat Express has been provided in the above paragraph and tables. However, we will be answering some significant questions in this section.

Nagpur to Bilaspur Vande Bharat Express (20826) covers the distance in 5 hrs 20 mins 412 km at a speed of 74km.

Raipur to Nagpur Vande Baharat Express (20825) fare is Rs 900 for chair Car Executive Class and Rs 1695 for Sahir Car Executive Class.

Vande Bharat Express (20826) departs from Durg station at 5.17 pm via Raipur and reaches Bilaspur station at 7.25 pm.

Train number of Vande Bharat Express from Raipur to Nagpur is 20825?

The BSP Vande Bharat train departs from Nagpur at 2:05 PM and arrives in Raipur at 5:44 PM, taking 3 hours and 39 minutes. The train runs daily except on Saturdays.

Vande Bharat Express Bilaspur to Nagpur Ticket Fare & Booking
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Hello friends, my name is Rohit Sonkar. I am the writer and founder of this blog (Saroj Travels), and I share all the information related to train ticket fares, ticket booking, train routes, train timing, and home base ticket booking through this website.

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