Rajdhani Express Delhi To Mumbai Train Ticket Price

New Delhi to Mumbai Rajdhani Express Ticket Price & Booking: Many Rajdhani Express trains run from Delhi to Mumbai. Whose ticket fare is given in detail below. However, Rajdhani Express ticket fare starts from Rs 3085 and the maximum fare is Rs 5360. Which you can see in detail in the table below.

In the section below you can know about the fare, timing, route, and booking of all Rajdhani Express. Still, if you have any other questions, you can contact Saroj Travels at any time.

Delhi to CSMT Mumbai Rajdhani Express Ticket Price

If you want to go from Delhi to Mumbai CSMT then the best option is Rajdhani Express (22222). This train departs from Hazrat Nizamuddin (NZM) every day at 04:55 PM. And via Gwalior Jn, Bhopal Jn, Nashik Road reaches Mumbai CSMT at 11:15 AM the next day. The ticket fare of this train is given in detail in the table below. For any other information and online ticket booking contact Saroj Travels.

Rajdhani Express (22222) NZN-CSMT Ticket Fare
Coch Type General Fare Tatkal Fare
3A - THIRD AC ₹ 3135 ₹ 4275
2A - SECOND AC ₹ 4295 ₹ 5810
1A - FIRST AC ₹ 5360 Not Available

Delhi to Panvel Rajdhani Express Ticket Price 

Rajdhani Express (22414) departs from Hazrat Nizamuddin at 6:16 am on Friday and Saturday and reaches Panvel Mumbai at 11 pm on the same day. The fare for 3AC class of this train is Rs 3145, fare for 2AC class is Rs 4250 and fare for 1AC class is Rs 5300. However, in the table given below we have explained the ticket fare in detail.

Rajdhani Express (22414) NZN-PNVL Ticket Fare
Coch Type General Fare Tatkal Fare
3A - THIRD AC ₹ 3145 ₹ 3325
2A - SECOND AC ₹ 4250 ₹ 4505
1A - FIRST AC ₹ 5300 Not Available

FAQs on Rajdahani Express(22222/12432) 

Information about both the trains is given in the above section. In this section, some questions asked by the travelers are being answered.

Rajdhani Express (22221) ticket price from Mumbai to Agra is Rs 2920, Rs 4005, and Rs 5000 for 3AC, 2AC, and 1AC respectively..

Rajdhani Express (22221) covers the distance of 1553 km from Mumbai to Delhi in 17hr 55min.

There are many ways to book Rajdhani Express tickets like IRCTC, the nearest railway station counter or you can contact Saroj Travel to get the ticket at home.

Rajdhani Express (12432) departs from Hazrat Nizamuddin Station New Delhi at 6.16 am and via Agra, Gwalior, Bhopal, Nasik Road, etc. stations, and reaches Vasai Road at 9.43 pm.

Rohit Sonkar
Author: Rohit Sonkar

Hello friends, my name is Rohit Sonkar. I am the writer and founder of this blog (Saroj Travels), and I share all the information related to train ticket fares, ticket booking, train routes, train timing, and home base ticket booking through this website.

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