Varanasi To Raipur Train Ticket Price: Hello traveler! There are only 3 trains that run from Varanasi Junction (BSB) to Raipur Junction (R). Here we will know about all popular trains like train numbers, ticket fares, running day, etc. Now let us tell you that the average ticket fare for all trains like Unreserved (GN) ticket is around INR 245, Sleeper (SL) ticket is around INR 435 and AC first class ticket is around INR 2720. If you want to know the special train ticket price and other coach ticket prices then check the table below.
There is a total of around 3 trains running from Varanasi Junction (BSB) to Raipur Junction (R) out of which the fastest train is 15231 -BJU GONDIA EXPRESS which takes 16 hrs 45 mints to reach Raipur Junction (R) from Jaunpur Junction Is. The first train is SARNATH EXPRESS (15159) at 12:30 PM from Varanasi Junction (BSB).
Varanasi To Raipur Train Ticket Price Sleeper Class | ||
Train No | Train Name | Sleeper Class (SL) |
15159 | Sarnath Express (Chhapra to Durg) | ₹ 430 |
18202 | Nautanwa - Durg Express | ₹ 435 |
15231 | Barauni - Gondia Express | ₹ 435 |
Table of Contents
Toggle15159 – Sarnath Express Ticket Price
Sarnath Express (15159) is a very popular train as it runs on the daily of the week. And also this train takes very less time to reach Varanasi Junction to Raipur. If you want to go to Raipur Junction (R) by this train. And want to know the ticket fare of Sarnath Express. So for this, we have explained the ticket fare of Sarnath Express in detail in the below table. The general ticket fare of Sarnath Express is around 100 rupees. 240, Sleeper Class (SL) is approximately INR 430 and AC First Class ticket fare is approximately INR 2795. In the below table we will see all coach ticket prices in detail, please check the individual coach train ticket price below.
Sarnath Express (Varanasi To Raipur) Train Ticket Price | ||
Coch Type | General Ticket | Tatkal Ticket |
Unreserved (GN) | ₹ 240 | -- |
Sleeper Class (SL) | ₹ 430 | ₹ 550 |
AC 3 TIER (3 AC) | ₹ 1160 | ₹ 1450 |
AC 2 TIER (2 AC) | ₹ 1665 | ₹ 2185 |
AC 1 TIER (1 AC) | ₹ 2520 | ₹ 3140 |
Sarnath Express train number is 15159, it starts from Chhapra Junction at 07:10 AM, then it reaches Varanasi Junction (BSB) at 12:20 PM, and departs from Varanasi Junction to Raipur Junction at 12:30 PM Thereafter it halts at 24 junctions and finally reaches Raipur Junction (R) at 4:45 PM. Reaching from Varanasi Junction (BSB) to Raipur Junction (R) takes 17 hrs 15 mins. The total distance between Varanasi Junction (BSB) to Raipur Junction (R) is approximately 841 km by this train.
18202 Nautanwa – Durg Express Ticket Price
As we know about the above train, similarly Nautanwa Durg Express will also know in detail. Nautanwa Durg Express fare is around Rs.254 for General (GN), around Rs.435 for Sleeper (SL), and around Rs.2815 for First AC. If you want to know about other coach train ticket prices then check the table below. Let us now have a look at brief details about this train like train number, schedule, run days, the distance between Varanasi Junction (BSB) to Raipur Junction (R), and how to book your ticket with Saroj Yatra, etc.
Nautanwa Durg Express (Varanasi To Raipur) Train Ticket Fare | ||
Coch Type | General Ticket | Tatkal Ticket |
Unreserved (GN) | ₹ 245 | -- |
Sleeper Class (SL) | ₹ 435 | ₹ 580 |
AC 3 TIER (3 AC) | ₹ 1180 | ₹ 1510 |
AC 2 TIER (2 AC) | ₹ 1685 | ₹ 2210 |
AC 1 TIER (1 AC) | ₹ 2840 | ₹ 3460 |
Now we will know about trains like train number, timetable, running days, time duration and ticket booking method. Nautanwa Durg Express train number is 18202, it departs from Nautanwa Junction at 11:35 AM and reaches Durg Junction at 01:00 PM. During this journey, it takes approximately 16 hrs 55 mins to reach Raipur Junction (R). The total distance between Jaunpur Junction to Mumbai Lokmanya Tilak Terminus by this train is approximately 850 km. It operates only on Sundays and Fridays of the week.
Barauni Gondia Express Ticket Fare & Booking
Barauni Gondia Express (15231) from Barauni Junction at 10:05 AM and ends at GONDIA JUNCTION at 05:40 PM the next day. Now let us know about the fare of this train, General (GN) fare is approximately INR 245, Sleeper (SL) fare is approximately INR 435 and AC first class ticket cost is approximately INR 2815.
If you want to know other coach train ticket prices check the table below. Now let us see brief information about this train like train number, schedule, run days, the distance between Varanasi junction (BSB) to Raipur Junction (R), and how to book your ticket.
Barauni Gondia Express (Varanasi To Raipur) Ticket Fare | ||
Coch Type | General Ticket | Tatkal Ticket |
Unreserved (GN) | ₹ 245 | -- |
Sleeper Class (SL) | ₹ 435 | ₹ 555 |
AC 3 TIER (3 AC) | ₹ 1170 | ₹ 1505 |
AC 2 TIER (2 AC) | ₹ 1675 | ₹ 2160 |
AC 1 TIER (1 AC) | ₹ 2840 | ₹ 3460 |
Train no. 15231 Barauni Gondia Express is one of the prominent trains on this route for passengers. Owing to its around 15 stoppage stations, the total time taken by this train is approx 16 hours 45 minutes. The distance between Jabalpur to New Delhi is approximately 849 km. You can easily book train tickets for any station between Varanasi junction (BSB) and Raipur Junction ( R) through Saroj Travels and enjoy a wonderful journey. Saroj Yatra provides tickets very easily if you are interested then call on below number and get your ticket thanks.
Important highlight:Â
- The train Number is 15231
- The distance between Varanasi to Raipur Chhattisgarh is approximately 849 km
- Barauni Gondia runs daily from Varanasi Junction (BSB)to Raipur Junction (R)
- It takes 16 hours and 45 minutes to reach Varanasi Junction (BSB) to Raipur Junction (R)

Author: Rohit Sonkar
Hello friends, my name is Rohit Sonkar. I am the writer and founder of this blog (Saroj Travels), and I share all the information related to train ticket fares, ticket booking, train routes, train timing, and home base ticket booking through this website.