Bangalore To Ajmer Train Ticket Price

Bangalore To Ajmer Train Ticket Price & Booking: Three trains run between Bengaluru and Ajmer out of which Jaipur Suvidha Express (82653) is the most famous train. Jaipur Suvidha Express (82653) departs from Yesvantpur Junction every Thursday at 11:30 am and reaches Ajmer at 2:55 am, approximately 39 hours later. However, ticket fare from Bengaluru to Ajmer starts from Rs 790 and can go up to Rs 5180. This fare varies according to the train and coach.
In the section below, we have explained in detail the ticket fares of all trains. If you want any more information related to the three trains, you can contact us on the number given below.
And if you want to book a train ticket from Bangalore to Ajmer then you can contact Saroj Travels and book your ticket sitting at home.

Ajmer Express (Yesvantpur to Ajmer) Ticket Price

The ticket fare of Ajmer Express (16210) from Bengaluru to Ajmer starts from Rs 750 and goes up to Rs 580. In the table below you can see the ticket fare of Ajmer Express (16210) in detail. If you want to book a ticket from Bengaluru to Ajmer in Ajmer Express. So you can contact us any time for which contact is given below.

16210 - AJMER EXPRESS (SBC-AII) Ticket Fare
Coch TypeGeneral FareTatkal Fare
SL - Sleeper Class₹ 790₹ 990
3A - THIRD AC₹ 2085₹ 2505
2A - SECOND AC₹ 3035₹ 3540
1A - FIRST AC₹ 5180NA

Garib Nawaz Express (SBC-AII) Ticket Price

Garib Nawaz Express (16532) runs every Friday between Bengaluru and Ajmer. It departs from Bengaluru at 5:00 pm and reaches Ajmer via Hubli and Ahmedabad. The Garib Nawaz Express from Bangalore to Ajmer ticket fare is ₹800 to ₹5265. For detailed information about the ticket fare of this train, you can see the table given below.

16532 - GARIB NAWAZ EXP (SBC-AII) Ticket Fare
Coch TypeGeneral FareTatkal Fare
SL - Sleeper Class₹ 800₹ 1000
3A - THIRD AC₹ 2110₹ 2530
2A - SECOND AC₹ 3085₹ 3610
1A - FIRST AC₹ 5265NA

FAQs on Bangalore to Ajmer Trains 

In this section, we will see answers to some questions related to all trains going from Bangalore to Ajmer. So that it becomes easier for us to travel from Bangalore to Ajmer. If you are not satisfied with the questions given below and you have any other questions in your mind, then you can contact us and ask.

There are 3 trains running on the Bangalore to Ajmer route. Some trains run on a daily basis and some trains run on a weekly basis. You can book trains from Bengaluru to Ajmer at your convenience.

However, there are many means of booking train tickets from Bangalore to Ajmer like IRCTC, Nearest Railway Stations or to get the ticket sitting at home, you can contact Saroj Travels and get the ticket sitting at home.

16210 – Ajmer Express runs from Bangalore to Ajmer 2 days a week on Tuesday and Thursday from Bangalore station at 10.20 pm and reaches Ajmer station at 2.35 pm via Hubli, Dharwar, Surat etc.

YPR JP Express (82653) ticket fare from Bengaluru to Ajmer is Rs 845 for sleeper class and ticket prices for 3AC and 2AC class are Rs 2195 and Rs 3180 respectively.

Jammu to Ajmer Train Ticket Price & Online Ticket Booking
Vande Bharat Express Delhi To Ajmer Ticket Price And Booking

Hello friends, my name is Rohit Sonkar. I am the writer and founder of this blog (Saroj Travels), and I share all the information related to train ticket fares, ticket booking, train routes, train timing, and home base ticket booking through this website.

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