Are you planning to travel from Hyderabad to Delhi by train? And want to know the Hyderabad to Delhi train ticket price. if yes then you are, Perfect place. Here you can also book tickets from Hyderabad to Delhi with fares.
Hyderabad to Delhi distance by train is around 1700 km. For which trains take around 22-28 hours. The same Rajdhani Express takes the shortest time (22:15 hours) to reach Hyderabad to Delhi.
There are around 10 trains that run daily from Hyderabad to Delhi. The sleeper ticket fare for all these trains is given in the table below. We all know that most of the passengers travel in sleeper class only. That’s why we have focused only on the sleeper ticket fare. If you want to know the fare of any other coach, you can call on the number given below and ask. Or you can also comment below.
Hyderabad To Delhi Train Ticket Price Sleeper Class | ||
Train No | Train Name | Sleeper Class (SL) |
12723 | Telangana Express | ₹ 695 |
12721 | Dakshin SF Express | ₹ 695 |
12213 | Delhi Sarai Rohilla AC Duronto Express | ₹ 3080 (3AC) |
12649 | Karnataka Sampark Kranti Express (Via Ballari) | ₹ 665 |
12647 | Kongu SF Express | ₹ 695 |
12707 | Andhra Pradesh Sampark Kranti Express | ₹ 695 |
22691 | Hazrat Nizamuddin Rajdhani Express | ₹ 3420 (3AC) |
12285 | Hazrat Nizamuddin Duronto Express | ₹ 1435 |
12437 | Hazrat Nizamuddin Rajdhani Express | ₹ 3440 (3AC) |
22705 | Tirupati - Jammu Tawi Humsafar Express | ₹ 2085 (3AC) |
Know above about all your Hyderabad to Delhi train ticket fare. However, the bus sleeper class ticket fare is mentioned above. If you want to know about AC class ticket fare, then ask in the comment box below. And if you want to book Hyderabad to Delhi train tickets. Then call on the number given below. And book tickets at a very low convenience fees.