Nagpur To Hyderabad Trains Ticket Price

Nagpur To Hyderabad Train Ticket Price & Booking: Information about trains traveling from Nagpur to Hyderabad is presented in this paragraph. A total of 28 trains operate on this route, out of which 4 trains operate on a daily basis and 25 trains operate on a weekly basis. In this train, the minimum ticket price for Sleeper Class has been fixed at Rs 325/- and the maximum fare for other Air-Conditioned coaches has been fixed at Rs 2260/-. Below is the price table with a detailed description of some of the trains. You can contact us for ticket booking.

Nagpur To Hyderabad Trains List with Price
Train No Train Name Sleeper Class Fare (SL)
12724 Telangana Express ₹ 370
12722 Dakshin SF Express ₹ 370
22692 Rajdhani Express ₹ 1760 (3A)
12792 Danapur - Secunderabad SF Express ₹ 365

NOTE: There are a total of 28 trains running between Nagpur to Hyderabad. But only the daily running train information is given in the above list. Therefore, for information about any special train, you can contact on the number given above.

Telangana Express (12724) Ticket Price

Nagpur to Hyderabad Telangana Express (12724) train departs from Nagpur Junction (NGP) at 07:15 AM via Chandrapur, Sirpur Kagaznagar & Kazipet Junction, and reaches Hyderabad Deccan Nampally (HYB) at 05:00 PM. The Sleeper Class fare of this train has been fixed at Rs 370/-. The fare list of other AC coaches is given below. This train runs daily on this route. If you want to book a ticket for this train then you can contact us.

Telangana Express (NGP-SC) Ticket Price List
Coch Type General Fare Tatkal Fare
Second Seating (2S) ₹ 200 NA
Sleeper (SL) ₹ 365 ₹ 465
3A - 3 Tier AC ₹ 955 ₹ 1270
2A - 2 Tier AC ₹ 1340 ₹ 1760
1A - 1 Tier AC ₹ 2230 NA

12722 Dakshin Express Nagpur to Secunderabad Ticket Price

We would like to inform you that Dakshin SF Express (12722) train will depart Nagpur Junction (NGP) at 05:10 PM and reach Hyderabad Deccan Nampally (HYB) at 03:50 AM via Balharshah Junction, Manchiryal & Bhongir. This train provides daily passenger service. The Sleeper Class fare of this train is only Rs.370/-. The price list of other AC categories is presented below for your convenience. You can contact us for train ticket booking.

12722 Dakshin Exp NGP-SC Ticket Price Table
Coch Type General Fare Tatkal Fare
Second Seating (2S) ₹ 200 NA
Sleeper (SL) ₹ 365 ₹ 465
3A - 3 Tier AC ₹ 955 ₹ 1270
2A - 2 Tier AC ₹ 1340 ₹ 1760

Nagpur To Secunderabad Rajdhani Express Ticket Price

The SBC Rajdhani Express (22692) departs Nagpur Junction (NGP) at 9:30 am and reaches Secunderabad Junction (Hyderabad) at 5:10 pm via Balharshah Junction and Kazipet Junction. You can travel daily by this train. A sleeper class facility is not provided on this train. Only 3A-AC 3-tier coach has been provided in this train, which fare has been fixed at Rs 1085/-.

SBC Rajdhani Express (22692) NGP-SC Ticket Price List
Coch Type General Fare Tatkal Fare
3A - 3 Tier AC ₹ 1760 ₹ 1860
2A - 2 Tier AC ₹ 2355 ₹ 2495
2A - 2 Tier AC ₹ 2910 NA

Secunderabad SF Express (12792) Ticket Price

In this post, Secunderabad SF Express (12792) train details are given. This super-fast train starts from Nagpur Junction (NGP) at 11:05 AM and reaches 9:30 PM Secunderabad Junction (SC) (Hyderabad) via Pedapalli Junction and Kazipet Junction. Daily travel can be done by this train. The sleeper class fare of this train is Rs 365/-. The fare for all other AC coaches is mentioned in the fare table below. You can contact us for ticket booking.

Secunderabad SF Express (Nagpur to Secunderabad) Ticket Price
Coch Type General Fare Tatkal Fare
Second Seating (2S) ₹ 200 NA
Sleeper (SL) ₹ 365 ₹ 465
3A - 3 Tier AC ₹ 955 ₹ 1270
2A - 2 Tier AC ₹ 1340 ₹ 1760

FAQs on Nagpur To Hyderabad Trains

Most of the information related to the Nagpur to Hyderabad train is given along with the details of that train. Nevertheless, below are the answers to some questions through Frequently Ask questions, in which you can also get more information.

There are a total of 27 trains between Nagpur to Hyderabad.

The fastest train from Nagpur to Hyderabad is K.S.R. Bengaluru Rajdhani Express (22692). The total travel time by this train is approximately 7 hours 40 minutes.

The Secunderabad SF Express (12792) is taking a long time to reach Hyderabad. It takes approx. 10 hours and 25 minutes.

The total distance between Nagpur to Hyderabad is 511 kilometers.

Hello friends, my name is Rohit Sonkar. I am the writer and founder of this blog (Saroj Travels), and I share all the information related to train ticket fares, ticket booking, train routes, train timing, and home base ticket booking through this website.

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