Mumbai to Kolkata Train Ticket Price

Mumbai and Kolkata Train Ticket Price & Booking: Many trains are run between Mumbai and Kolkata, some of which are important such as the Gitanjali Express train, Express Rajdhani Express, etc. The fare between Mumbai to Kolkata starts from Rs 740 which can be a maximum of Rs 6665. This fare varies for different trains.

For detailed information about fares, you can see the section given below in which we have explained the ticket fares of some important trains in detail. Apart from this, if you need information about the ticket fare of any other train, you can contact us on the number given below. If you want to book any train between Mumbai to Kolkata then definitely contact Saroj Travels and book your tickets sitting at home.

CSMT-Howrah Duronto Express Ticket Price

Duronto Express (12261) is the most popular train between Mumbai and Howrah. This train departs from CSMT station at 5:15 pm on Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Which reaches Howrah station at 8:15 pm the next day via Nagpur and Raipur.
The Duronto Express Third AC fare from Mumbai to Howrah is Rs 3835. If you want to know the fare of other coaches fares of this train, you can see the table given below.
If you want to book tickets in Duronto Express (12261) then you can contact Saroj Travels. Saroj Travels provides ticket booking facility from the comfort of your home.

Duronto Express (Mumbai to Howrah) Ticket Fare
Coch TypeGeneral FareTatkal Fare
3A - THIRD AC₹ 3835₹ 4050
2A - SECOND AC₹ 5270₹ 5590
1A - FIRST AC₹ 6625NA

Gitanjali Express Mumbai to Howrah Ticket Fare

Gitanjali Express (12859) runs from Mumbai to Howrah every day, hence it is the most popular train among the people. Gitanjali Express sleeper class fare from Mumbai to Kolkata is ₹780. The fare of all the coaches on this train is given in detail in the table below. Therefore, see the table given below for complete fare information. And for ticket booking in Gitanjali Express please contact us on the number given below.

Gitanjali Express (Mumbai To Howrah) Train Ticket Price
Coch TypeGeneral FareTatkal Fare
3A - THIRD AC₹ 2340₹ 2660
2A - SECOND AC₹ 3175₹ 3370
1A - FIRST AC₹ 3935NA

Shalimar Express Mumbai to Kolkata Ticket Price

If you want to start your journey from Lokmanya Tilak Terminus to Shalimar Kolkata any day of the week. So you can make your initial journey by LTT Shalimar Express (18029) in which sleeper class tickets are priced at Rs 740 and 3AC and 2AC are priced at Rs 1970 and Rs 2865 respectively. If you want detailed information about this train. then you can see the fare table given above

Shalimar Exp (Lokmanya Tilak Terminus To Shalimar) Ticket Fare
Coch TypeGeneral FareTatkal Fare
3A - THIRD AC₹ 2340₹ 2660
2A - SECOND AC₹ 3175₹ 3370
1A - FIRST AC₹ 3935NA

FAQs On Mumbai CSMT To Kolkata CP Trains

However, in the above section, we have given some information about Mumbai to Kolkata trains. In this section, we are answering some of the questions asked by passengers about trains running from Mumbai to Kolkata.

18029 – LTT Shalimar Express departs from Okmanya Tilak Terminus Mumbai for Kolkata every day of the week at 10:00 PM and reaches Shalimar station at 11:35 PM via stations like Thane, Jalgaon, Nagpur etc.

12322 Kolkata Mail Mumbai to Howrah ticket price is ₹820 for Sleeper Class, ₹2025 for 3Executive, ₹2130, ₹3080 and ₹5260 for 3rd AC, 2nd AC and 1st AC respectively.

Fare of 20821 – Panvel to Kolkata Pune SRC Humsafar Express 3AC is Rs 2305.

Mumbai To Goa Vistadome Train Ticket Price And Booking
Mumbai Goa Vande Bharat Express Ticket Fare & Booking

Hello friends, my name is Rohit Sonkar. I am the writer and founder of this blog (Saroj Travels), and I share all the information related to train ticket fares, ticket booking, train routes, train timing, and home base ticket booking through this website.

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