Agartala to Kolkata Train Ticket Price

Agartala and Kolkata Train Ticket Price & Booking: The most famous train between Agartala and Kolkata is the Kanchenjunga Express (13174), this train reaches you from Agartala at 8:15 am on Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, reaching SEALDAH (Kolkata) station at around 35 hours at 7:20 am. Reaches. Also, a special train is run from Agartala to Kolkata. Information about the ticket fares of these two trains is given in detail in the section below. If you want to book a ticket on any of these two trains, then you can feel free to contact on the number given below.

Kanchanjunga Express (Agartala to Sealdah) Ticket Fare

Agartala to Kolkata Kanchenjunga Express departs from Agartala station at 8:15 am four days a week and reaches Sealdah station at 7:20 pm. The sleeper class fare in this train is Rs 635. If you want to know the fare of AC coach, then see the table given below. For any other information and help related to this train, you can contact us anytime.

Agartala - Sealdah Kanchanjunga Express Ticket Fare
Coch Type General Fare Tatkal Fare
SL - SLEEPER ₹ 635 ₹ 815
3A - THIRD AC ₹ 1690 ₹ 2110
2A - SECOND AC ₹ 2445 ₹ 2970

AGTL Kolkata Special (Agartala To Kolkata) Ticket Price

If you want to go from Agartala to Kolkata on Wednesday then 02502 – AGTL KOAA SPL train is the best option. However, only the 3E – 3 AC ECONOMY coach is available on this train. The fare from Agartala to Kolkata is Rs 2030 per person. For detailed information about this train, you can see the fare table given below or contact Saroj Travels and get your ticket sitting at home.

Agartala Kolkata SPL (AGTL To KOAA) Ticket Fare
Coch Type General Fare Tatkal Fare
3A - THIRD AC ₹ 2030 ₹ 2350

FAQs On Agartala To Kolkata Trains 

As we saw above, 2 trains run between Agartala and Kolkata, in this section we will answer some questions and answers related to these two trains. If you have any other questions related to trains running between Agartala to Kolkata, you can ask us by commenting below. Or you can inquire by contacting the number given above.

Agartala Kolkata Special train starts from Agartala station at 7:35 am and reaches Kolkata Junction at 2:30 pm via New Karimganj, Guwahati, Malda etc stations.

Currently, two trains are run by Indian Railways from Agartala to Kolkata, the first train is 02502 Agartala Kolkata Special and the second train is Kanchenjunga Express (13174). This train is on a weekly basis.

The total distance of 13174 Kanchenjunga Stream from Agartala to Kolkata is approximately 1546 kilometers which this train covers in 35 hours and 5 minutes.

02502 Agartala Kolkata Special train takes 30 hrs 55 mins to reach Agartala to Kolkata. This train departs from Agartala station at 7:35 am and reaches Kolkata station at 2:30 pm.

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Hello friends, my name is Rohit Sonkar. I am the writer and founder of this blog (Saroj Travels), and I share all the information related to train ticket fares, ticket booking, train routes, train timing, and home base ticket booking through this website.

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