Guwahati to Kolkata Train Ticket Price

Guwahati and Kolkata Train Ticket Price & Booking: About 10 trains run between Guwahati and Kolkata, out of which we will know the ticket fares of some important trains. However, the Guwahati to Kolkata ticket fare for sleeper class is Rs 475, whereas if you look at the first class fare it is Rs 3275.
In this article, we have explained in detail the ticket fares of some important trains. In which you can know the fare of Sleeper, Third AC, Second AC and First AC.
Then if you want to know the fare of any other train, you can contact us without any hesitation. And if you want to book tickets for any train, you can also contact on the number given below.

Kanchanjunga Exp (Guwahati To Sealdah) Ticket Fare

KANCHANJUNGA Express (13174) is a famous train running between Guwahati and Sealdah. The sleeper class fare of Kanchanjunga Express starts from Rs 475. For detailed information about the fare, you can see the table below. In which we have given the information about Sleeper class, 3 Tier AC, 2 Tier AC & 1 Class AC fare explained in detail.

Kanchanjunga Exp (Guwahati To Sealdah) Ticket Fare
Coch TypeGeneral FareTatkal Fare
SL - SLEEPER₹ 475₹ 615
3A - THIRD AC₹ 1280₹ 1655
2A - SECOND AC₹ 1840₹ 2365

Guwahati To Kolkata (SCL KOAA Special) Ticket Price

YRecently, a special train has been run between Guwahati and Kolkata, which departs from Guwahati at 3:40 pm and reaches Kolkata station at 1:00 pm the next day. The sleeper class fare of this train is Rs 640 and the 3 Tier AC fare starts from Rs 1700. However, in the table below you can see the ticket fare of this train in detail. For tickets booked from Guwahati to Kolkata in this train, you can contact on the number given below.

05639 - SCL KOAA SPECIAL (GHY-KOAA) Ticket Fare
Coch TypeGeneral FareTatkal Fare
SL - SLEEPER₹ 640₹ 765
3A - THIRD AC₹ 1700₹ 2080
2A - SECOND AC₹ 2335₹ 2755

Saraighat Express Guwahati to Howrah Ticket Fare

The most famous train between Guwahati to Howrah is SARAIGHAT Exp (12346). Because this train is the fastest train which covers the distance from Guwahati to Howrah in just 17 hours and 10 minutes. The ticket fare of this train is Rs 520 for sleeper class. And if you want to know the AC class fare of this train, then see the table given below. In which you will get the fare of all the coaches in detail. For any other query, you can ask us by commenting below. Or you can contact on the number given below.

12346 - SARAIGHAT Exp (Guwahati to Howrah) Ticket Price
Coch TypeGeneral FareTatkal Fare
SL - SLEEPER₹ 520₹ 660
3E - 3 AC ECONOMY₹ 1270₹ 1625
3A - THIRD AC₹ 1365₹ 1750
2A - SECOND AC₹ 1940₹ 2465
1A - FIRST AC₹ 3275NA

FAQs About Guwahati To Kolkata Trains 

In this section we will see some FAQs about trains from Guwahati to Kolkata. If you have any other questions you can ask by commenting below.

Kamrup Express (15960) from New Jalpaiguri to Kolkata sleeper class fare is Rs 475 and 3AC and 2AC class fare is Rs 1280 and Rs 1840 respectively.

13176 Kanchanjunga Express departs from Guwahati station at 10:55 pm 3 days a week and reaches Sealdah station at 7:20 pm via Kamakhya, Barpeta, New Jalpaiguri stations.

The fare for 3 executive class in 02502 AGTL Kolkata Special train is Rs 1645. If you book a Tatkal ticket on this train then the ticket price may increase slightly.

15960 Kamrup Express departs from Guwahati station at 8:25 am, 5 days a week, and reaches Howrah Junction at 5:10 am via stations like Kamakhya, Nalbari, New Bongaigaon etc.

Vistadome Train Guwahati To Haflong Ticket Price & Booking
Vande Bharat Express Guwahati to NJP Ticket Fare & Booking

Hello friends, my name is Rohit Sonkar. I am the writer and founder of this blog (Saroj Travels), and I share all the information related to train ticket fares, ticket booking, train routes, train timing, and home base ticket booking through this website.

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