Vande Bharat Express Guwahati to NJP Ticket Price

Vande Bharat Express Guwahati To NJP Ticket Fare & Booking: Vande Bharat Express Guwahati to New Jalpaiguri NJP ticket fare is Rs 1225 for the chair car and Rs 2205 for the executive chair car. Whereas if you book Tatkal ticket in Vande Bharat Express (22228) then the fare may increase slightly. In the fare table below we have given the detailed ticket fare of Vande Bharat Express (22228/22227). If you still want to book Vande Bharat Express (22228/22227) ticket from Guwahati to NGP then you can contact Saroj Travels. Saroj Travels provides you with the facility of online ticket booking from the comfort of your home.

Guwahati to NJP Vande Bharat Express Overview
Train Number22228 - Guwahati to New Jalpaiguri
22227 - New Jalpaiguri To Guwahati
Train NameNJP - Guwahati - NJP Vande Bharat Express
First Service29 May 2023 (Inaugural run)
31 May 2023 (Commercial run)
OriginNew Jalpaiguri Junction (NJP)
DestinationGuwahati (GHY)
Distance Travelled407 Kms
Average Journey Time05 hrs 30 mins
Running DaysEvery Day Except Tuesday
Coach TypesAC Chair Car
AC Executive Chair Car
Average Speed74 Km/h
Ticket FareChair Car - Rs 1225
Executive Chair Car - Rs 2205
Source - To know more about it: Wikipedia

Vande Bharat Express Guwahati To NJP Ticket Price

Vande Bharat Express Guwahati (GHY) to New Jalpaiguri (NJP) ticket fare is Rs 1225 for the chair car and Rs 2205 for the executive chair car. However, in the fare list given below, we have explained the ticket fare of Vande Bharat Express (22227/22228) in detail. If you want to know the ticket fare from Guwahati to any other station. Like Kamakhya Junction – KYQ, New Bongaigaon Junction – NBQ, Kokrajhar – KOJ, New Alipurduar – NOQ, New Cooch Behar – NCB, etc. then you can contact Saroj Travel. And you can book Vande Bharat Express ticket from Guwahati to NJP from the comfort of your home through Saroj Travels.

22228 - Guwahati to NJP Vande Bharat Express
Coch TypeGeneral FareTatkal Fare
CC - AC Chair Car₹ 1225₹ 1465
EC - Executive Chair Car₹ 2205₹ 2715
22227 - NJP To Guwahati Vande Bharat Express
Coch TypeGeneral FareTatkal Fare
CC - AC Chair Car₹ 1075₹ 1310
EC - Executive Chair Car₹ 2025₹ 2535

FAQs on Vande Bharat Express (22227/22228)

In the above section, you will know about the train ticket price of Vande Bharat Express running from Guwahati to NGP and from NGP to Guwahati. In this section, you will know about FAQs of Vande Bharat Express running between NJP to Guwahati. If you have any questions, you can contact Saroj Travel.

The ticket fare for New Jalpaiguri to Guwahati Vande Bharat Express is Rs 1075 for a chair car and Rs 2025 for an executive chair car. Whereas if you book a Tatkal ticket, you will have to pay Rs 1310 for a chair car and Rs 2535 for an executive chair car. For the NJP to Guhawati Vande Bharat Express ticket price, timings, availability and ticket booking you can contact Saroj Travels anytime.

Vande Bharat Express (22227) departs from New Jalpaiguri (NJP) at 6.10 AM and reaches Guwahati at 11.40 AM via New Cooch Behar, Kokrajhar and Kamakhya.

Bengaluru to NJP Vande Bharat Express (22228) starts from Bengaluru at 16:30 hrs and departs New Jalpaiguri (NJP) at 22.00 hrs after covering a distance of 409 kms.

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Hello friends, my name is Rohit Sonkar. I am the writer and founder of this blog (Saroj Travels), and I share all the information related to train ticket fares, ticket booking, train routes, train timing, and home base ticket booking through this website.

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