Vistadome Train Guwahati To Haflong Ticket Fare: Hello, friends do you want to travel from Guwahati to New Haflong Vistadome coach? If yes then here we will tell you about all the Guwahati to Haflong trains on which the Vistadome coach is available. On the same page, you can also find Guwahati To Haflong vistadome train ticket price.
And if you want to book Guwahati to Hoflong Vistadome tickets. So for this, we can help you. Although Saroj Travels does ticket booking for all trains in India. Contact me for more details.
Here below we have given a list of all Vistadome trains from Guwahati to Haflong. In which you can know the ticket price of all vista dome coaches. Still, if you want any other information, then contact on the number given below.
Vistadome Train Guwahati to New Haflong Ticket Price | ||
Train No | Train Name | Vistadome Coach (EV) |
15888 | Guwahati - Badarpur Tourist Express | ₹ 1130 |
There is only 1 Vistadome train (Guwahati – Badarpur Tourist Express) from Guwahati to New Haflong. If you want to book ticket in any other coach then contact on the number given below
Table of Contents
ToggleGuwahati Badarpur Tourist Express Ticket Price & Booking
Guwahati Badarpur Tourist Express (15888) train runs from Guwahati (GHY) to Badarpur (BPB). Which meets Guwahati at 6:45 am on Wednesday and Saturday. This train reaches you at NEW HALFLONG (NHLG) at 12:05 in approximately 5:20 min. The Guwahati Badarpur Tourist Express Guwahati to Haflong Vistadome fare is Rs 1030. See the table below for more details.
Guwahati Badarpur Tourist Express (15888) Ticket Price | ||
Coch Type | General Fare | Tatkal Fare |
CC - AC Chier Car | ₹ 415 | ₹ 540 |
EV - Vistdome AC | ₹ 1130 | NA |
Vistadome Train Guwahati to Haflong Ticket Booking
If you want to book a ticket from Guwahati (GHY) to New Haflong (NHLG), then for this you can visit the official website of IRCTC. But if you are not able to book the ticket yourself then you can contact us on the above number.
We book tickets for all trains in India, that too at very convenient charges. Also, you can call us to know the seat availability of any train.
FAQs on Guwahati to New Haflong Vistadome Train
Well, above we have given all the information about Guwahati to Haflong Vistadome train. Still, some more questions remain in the mind of the passengers. That’s why here below we have given some FAQs. However, if you have any other ques, you can contact us at the given above mobile no.
Ans: For Vistadome coach booking from Guwahati to Haflong call us at 9565-217-555. And book Vistadome Coach while at sitting your home within 15-20 minutes.
Ans: Vistadome ticket fare from Guwahati to Haflong is around INR 1130. But if you book tickets through us then you have to pay some convenience fee also. Contact us for more details…
Ans: The Vistadome train no. 15888 GHY BPB Vistado is one of the prominent trains running in Assam. It starts from Guwahati (GHY) station and ends at Badarpur Jn (BPB).
Ans: Vistadome train from Guwahati to Haflong departs from Guwahati at 06:45 AM to reach Badarpur via Maibang, New Haflong, Jatinga Lumpur. Which reaches New Haflong at 12:10 PM.