Chennai to Delhi Train Ticket Price

Chennai to Delhi Train Ticket Price and Booking: Many trains are running between Chennai and Delhi, some of which are important trains. We have explained the ticket fares of all these trains in detail below. However, the ticket price from Chennai to Delhi starts from Rs 850 and can go up to a maximum of Rs 6940. Apart from this, if you want to know the ticket fare of any other train, you can contact on the contact number given below.
To book tickets from Chennai to Delhi on any of the following trains or any other train, you can contact Saroj Travels. Saroj Travels provides you the convenience of train ticket booking from the comfort of your home, however, you can also contact Saroj Travels for any other enquiries.

Chennai to Delhi Rajdhani Express Ticket Price

Rajdhani Express (12433) is considered to be the best and best train to go from Chennai to Delhi because this train takes you from Chennai to Delhi in just 28 hours and 25 minutes.
Rajdhani Express fare from Chennai to Delhi ranges from Rs 4070 to Rs 6975. Detailed fare information for this train is given in the table below. For other information about this train or for online ticket booking sitting at home, you can contact Saroj Travels.

12433 - MAS NZM RAJDHANI (Chennai To Delhi) Ticket Fare
Coch TypeGeneral FareTatkal Fare
3A - THIRD AC₹ 4070₹ 4390
2A - SECOND AC₹ 5575₹ 5995
1A - FIRST AC₹ 6975NA

Duronto Express (12269) Chennai to Delhi Price

Duronto Express (12269) is also a famous train on the Chennai- Delhi route. This train departs from Chennai every Monday and Friday at 6:35 am. Which reaches Hazrat Nizamuddin at 10:40 am the next day via Vijayawada, Nagpur, Bhopal, and Gwalior. The fare in this train from Chennai to Delhi ranges between Rs 850 to Rs 6940. However, we have given the fare of 12269 – Duronto Express in detail in the table below.
If you require any other information related to Duronto Express (12269), you can contact Saroj Travels on the number given below.

Chennai to Delhi Duronto Express (12269) Ticket Fare
Coch TypeGeneral FareTatkal Fare
2S - SECOND SEATING₹ 850₹ 950
SL - SLEEPER₹ 1700₹ 1880
3A - THIRD AC₹ 4050₹ 4370
2A - SECOND AC₹ 5555₹ 5975
1A - FIRST AC₹ 6940NA

Garib-Rath (Chennai Central To H NZM) Ticket Price

You can take the option of 12611 Hazrat Nizamuddin Garib Rath Express to reach Delhi from Chennai in 28 hours and 30 minutes. This train runs from Chennai Central to Hazrat Nizamuddin only one day of the week on Saturday from 6:00 am. The price of AC tickets is ₹ 1500. If you want to know more about this train then you can see the fare table given below or you can get more information by calling the given number.

12611 - NZM GARIBRATH (Chennai to Hazrat Nizamuddin) Ticket Fare
Coch TypeGeneral FareTatkal Fare
3A - THIRD AC₹ 1500₹ 1820

FAQs On Chennai to Delhi Trains

Although in the above section we have given some key information about trains running from Chennai to Delhi through paragraphs and tables in this part we are answering some important questions asked by the passengers.

The fastest train from Chennai to Delhi is Duronto Express (12269). Which is covered approx 2200 Kms within 28 hours.

The first train running from Chennai to New Delhi is 16031 Andaman Express which departs from Chennai Central station at 5:15 pm and reaches New Delhi station at 8:55 pm via stations like Nellore, Vijayawada, Chandrapur, Nagpur, etc. This train travels from Chennai to New Delhi in just 1 hour 40 minutes.

To travel from Chennai to Delhi by rail, the distance that needs to be covered is 2192 km.

The ticket price of 12621 Tamil Nadu Superfast Express from Nagpur to New Delhi is Rs 540 for Sleeper Class, Rs 1320 for 3 Executive Class, Rs 1420 for 3AC, Rs 20 for AC, and Rs 3410 for 1 AC.

Yes, Chennai to Delhi (Hazrat Nizamuddin) Rajdhani Express fully AC train. Which contains 3 Tier AC, 2 Tier AC & 1st Class AC coach.

Rajdhani Express Chennai to New Delhi Ticket Price & Booking
Chennai to Howrah Train Ticket Price & Booking

Hello friends, my name is Rohit Sonkar. I am the writer and founder of this blog (Saroj Travels), and I share all the information related to train ticket fares, ticket booking, train routes, train timing, and home base ticket booking through this website.

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