Sealdah To New Jalpaiguri Train Ticket Price

Sealdah To New Jalpaiguri Train Ticket Price & Ticket Booking: There are 7 trains from Sealdah Kolkata (SDAH) to New Jalpaiguri (NJP). Out of which 6 trains go to New Jalpaiguri and 1 train goes to Siliguri (SGUJ). We have given the list of all these trains below. Where you can easily know the Seldah to New Jalpaiguri ticket price of all trains. Also, if you want to book the ticket on any train, then contact on the number given below.

Sealdah To New Jalpaiguri Train Ticket Price Sleeper Class
Train NoTrain NameSleeper Class (Fare)
13173Sealdah - Agartala Kanchanjungha Express₹ 335
13175Sealdah - Silchar Kanchanjungha Express₹ 335
13141Teesta Torsa Express₹ 335
13147Uttarbanga Express₹ 335
13149Kanchankanya Express₹ 340

As seen above there are a total of 7 trains running from Sealdah to New Jalpaiguri. If you want a train ticket, you can contact on the number given above. For this, you will have to pay Rs 100 per bus passenger. And we provide you with tickets in just 10 minutes. Contact for more details – Saroj Travels

Sealdah to NJP Darjeeling Mail Ticket Price

If you are planning to go from Sealdah to New Jalpaiguri Darjeeling Mail. And if you want to know the ticket price of Darjeeling Mail (12343), then check the table below. In which you have been given ticket fare of all coaches of Darjeeling Mail. Also you can book your ticket by clicking on the “Book Now” button given below.

Darjeeling Mail (12343) Ticket Price
Coch TypeGeneral TicketTatkal Ticket
SL - Sleeper Class₹ 360₹ 480
3A - 3 Tier AC₹ 945₹ 1260
2A - 2 Tier AC₹ 1325₹ 1745
1A - 1 Tier AC₹ 2205₹ 2825

FAQs on Sealdah To New Jalpaiguri (NJP) Trains

In this section, we will see some FAQs related to Seldah to New Jalpaiguri. So that you can know well about the fare related to Seldah Kolkata to NJP train. If you have any other questions, you can contact us without hesitation.

There are 7 weekly trains running from Sealdah to New Jalpaiguri. The ticket fares for which are given in the table above.

The 2AC fare from New Jalpaiguri to Sealdah is Rs 1290 to Rs 1340. This fare varies on different trains. For detailed information, you can contact Saroj Travels.

The journey by train from Sealdah to New Jalpaiguri is approximately 572 km and takes 07 to 11 hours.

If you travel from Kolkata to New Jalpaiguri by Vande Bharat Express (22301), the fare is Rs 1565 for an AC Chair Car and Rs 2825 for an AC Executive Car.

The Vande Bharat Express from Kolkata to New Jalpaiguri departs from Kolkata station at 5:55 AM daily except Wednesday and arrives at NJP at 1:25 PM.

For detailed information on the Kolkata to New Jalpaiguri Vande Bharat Express, Visit Here…

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Hello friends, my name is Rohit Sonkar. I am the writer and founder of this blog (Saroj Travels), and I share all the information related to train ticket fares, ticket booking, train routes, train timing, and home base ticket booking through this website.

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