At present around 147 trains are running from Surat to Mumbai on a weekly and daily basis. Some of these major trains are Vande Bharat Express, Duronto Express, Humsafar Express, Superfast Express, and Express trains. Passengers connect industrial cities together. You can start your journey by booking tickets on these trains at your convenience. If you want to know about these trains in detail, then see the fare table given below to know about their fares, etc. You can know in detail or you can get information by calling on the given number.
Table of Contents
Toggle12922 – Flying Rani Express Ticket Fare
If you want to start your journey from Surat in the morning and reach Mumbai in the morning itself, then 12922 Flying Rani Express is available for you. This train will reach you from Surat to Mumbai in 4 hours 40 minutes. This train departs from Surat station at 5:10 am and reaches Mumbai Central station at 9:50 am via stations like Udhna, Vapi, Borivali, etc. with 2 sittings. The fare for a chair car is ₹130 and the fare for a chair car is ₹460.
MMCT Tejas Raj Express12952 Ticket Booking Price
One of the best trains running on the Surat, Mumbai route is the 12952 Mumbai Central Tejas Rajdhani Express. This train will take you from Surat to Mumbai in just 3 hours 17 minutes. The train departs from Surat station at 5:18 am and reaches Mumbai Central at 8:35 am via Borivali. The ticket fare for 3 AC tickets is Rs 835, 2 AC tickets is Rs 1335 and 3 AC tickets is Rs 1660. If you want to know more about these trains, you can see the fare table given below or get information by calling the given number.
22924 – BDTS Humsafar Ticket Price
22924 Bandra Terminus Humsafar Express departs from Surat station at 5:30 am three days a week on Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday and reaches Bandra Terminus at 9:30 am. The price is Rs 625. If you want to know the arrival time of this train or want to get the ticket sitting at home, then see the fare table given below or contact Saroj Travel to get your ticket sitting at home.
FAQs about Surat to Mumbai Trains
Through the above table and paragraphs, some important trains running from Surat to Mumbai have been mentioned, but in this section, we are answering some questions asked by passengers about trains running from Surat to Mumbai.
The distance from Surat to Mumbai is 278 km. Various trains take 3 hours to 5 hours to cover this distance.
A total of 147 trains are running between Surat and Mumbai on a weekly and daily basis, including some premium trains.
12947 Karnavati Express which runs from Surat to Mumbai. In which the fare for 2 sittings is Rs 130 and the fare for a chair car is Rs 460.
However, there are many means of booking train tickets for Surat and Mumbai such as IRCTC, nearest railway ticket counter, or contacting Saroj Travel to book tickets at home.