Hyderabad To Tirupati Train Ticket Price

Hyderabad to Tirupati Ticket Price & Booking: The best and preferred mode of transportation from Hyderabad to Tirupati is the train. A total of 33 trains run from Hyderabad to Tirupati on a weekly and daily basis. Some of these are express trains and some are superfast trains. However, the Hyderabad to Tirupati train ticket fare starts from Rs 235 to Rs 2805. If you’d like to know about Hyderabad to Tirupati ticket prices in detail, please check the section and table below.

Vande Bharat Express Hyderabad to Tirupati Ticket Price

Hello passengers, if you want to travel from Hyderabad to Tirupati then Vande Bharat Express (20701) is the best choice for you. In which the fare of AC Chair car and executive class is Rs 1680 and Rs 3080 respectively. If you book a Tatkal ticket in this train then the ticket prices may increase slightly. For online booking of Hyderabad to Tirupati Vande Bharat Express (20701) tickets, you can contact Saroj Travels.

20701 - TPTY VANDEBHARAT Ticket Fare
Coch TypeGeneral FareTatkal Fare
CC - AC Chair Car₹ 1680₹ 1920
EC - Executive Chair Car₹ 3080₹ 3605

HYD-TPTY Sabari Express Ticket Price

If you want to travel from Hyderabad to Tirupati on any day of the week, then you can travel by Sabari Express (17230). In which the ticket price for the sleeper class is Rs 370 and the prices of the 3AC, and 2AC classes are Rs 1000, and Rs 1430 respectively.To know the price of a 1AC ticket on this train, call the mobile number given above.

Hyderabad to Tirupati Sabari Express Ticket Fare
Coch TypeGeneral FareTatkal Fare
SL - Sleeper Class₹ 370₹ 475
3A - THIRD AC₹ 1000₹ 1315
2A - SECOND AC₹ 1430₹ 1850
1A - FIRST AC₹ 2385NA

Kacheguda To Tirupati Ticket Price

To travel from Hyderabad to Tirupati you can start your journey with KCG CGL Express (17652). Which reaches Tirupati from Hyderabad in 10 hours 55 minutes. In which the price of a sleeper class ticket is Rs 355 and the price of 3AC and 2AC class tickets are Rs 960 and Rs 1365 respectively. However, for detailed information about this train, you can see the timetable given above.

17652 - KCG CGL EXPRESS (HYD-TPTY) Ticket Fare
Coch TypeGeneral FareTatkal Fare
SL - Sleeper Class₹ 355₹ 455
3A - THIRD AC₹ 960₹ 1275
2A - SECOND AC₹ 1365₹ 1785

FAQs on Hyderabad to Tirupati trains 

However, information about Hyderabad to Tirupati trains is given in the above paragraph and table. But in this section, we are answering some questions asked by the travelers.

Sabari Express (17230) fare from Hyderabad to Tiruppur for sleeper class is Rs 510 and fare for 3AC class, 2AC class, and 1AC class is Rs 1370, Rs 1970, and Rs 3330 respectively.

Although there are many means to book tickets in Vande Bharat Express(20701) like IRCTC the nearest Railway Counter, or to book the ticket at home, you can contact Saroj Travels and get the ticket sitting at home.

This train departs from Secunderabad station at 6.15 am every day of the week except Tuesday and reaches Tirupati station at 2.34 pm via Nellore, Guntur.

The total distance covered by Vande Bharat Express(20701) from Hyderabad to Tirupati is 662 km which this train covers in 8 hours 19 minutes.

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Hello friends, my name is Rohit Sonkar. I am the writer and founder of this blog (Saroj Travels), and I share all the information related to train ticket fares, ticket booking, train routes, train timing, and home base ticket booking through this website.

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