Raipur to New Delhi Train Ticket Price

The train is the best mode to travel from Raipur to Delhi. For which about 8 trains go from Raipur to Delhi. Here you can find all the information about Raipur to Delhi train. eg Raipur to Delhi train ticket price, running days, Train timing & Ticket Booking, etc.

Given below is the list of trains that run from Raipur to Delhi. If you want to book a train ticket, click on the “Book Ticket Now” button given below. and contact us.

  • Rajdhani Express [12441]
  • Chhattisgarh Sampark Kranti Express [12823]
  • Hazrat Nizamuddin Gondwana Express [12409]
  • Humsafer Express [22867]
  • Chhattisgarh Express [18237]
  • Samta Express [12807]
  • Jammu Tawi Weekly SF Express [12549]
  • Udhampur SF Express [20847]

Rajdhani Express (12441) Train Ticket Price

Rajdhani Express (12441) is considered the best train from Raipur (R) to New Delhi (NSDL). This train runs from BILASPUR (BSP) to NEW DELHI (NSDL).

Rajdhani Express leaves Bilaspur at 02:00 PM and reaches Raipur at 03:30 PM. And reaches New Delhi at 10:40 AM the next day after a journey of about 19 hours. You contact us for more information. Or you can ask by commenting below.

Raipur To Delhi Train Ticket Price

Bilaspur To New Delhi Rajdhani Express (12441) has 3 types of coaches including 3 AC, 2 AC & 1 AC, etc. The ticket price of all the coaches is given in detail in the table below. If you want, you can also book Rajdhani Express ticket by clicking on the button below.

Rajdhani Express (12441) Ticket Price
Class General Ticket Tatkal Ticket
AC 3 TIER (3A) ₹ 2715 ₹ 3710
AC 2 TIER (2A) ₹ 3710 ₹ 4300
FIRST AC (1A) ₹ 4620 ₹ 5250

Chhattisgarh Sampark Kranti SF Express(12823) Train Ticket Price

For travelers who want to reach Delhi early in the morning, Chhattisgarh Sampark Kranti Superfast Express (12823) is the best train. This train reaches Hazrat Nizamuddin (about 10 km from New Delhi) station at 7:40 am.

This train starts from Durg and goes to Hazrat Nizamuddin Delhi via Bilaspur & Katni. Whereas Chhattisgarh Sampark Kranti Superfast Express (12823) departs from Raipur at 12:55 PM.

Ticket Price Table

Chhattisgarh Sampark Kranti SF Express (12823) has 2S, SL, 3AC, 2AC and 1AC coaches. The ticket price for CG Sampark Kranti Express is given in the table below. Still, if you have any problem then comment below.

CG Sampark Kranti Express(12823) Ticket Price
Class General Ticket Tatkal Ticket
SLEEPAR CLASS (SL) ₹ 530 ₹ 750
AC 3 TIER (3A) ₹ 1380 ₹ 1700
AC 2 TIER (2A) ₹ 1970 ₹ 2550
FIRST AC (1A) ₹ 3330 ₹ 3950

Humsafar Express (22867) Train Ticket Price

Humsafar Express (22867) runs from Durg (DURG) to Hazrat Nizamuddin (NZM) Station (Delhi). However, Humsafar Express meets you at Raipur at 11:50 AM. Which reaches Delhi the next day at around 7 AM. This train covers the journey from Raipur to Delhi in approximately 19 hours.

You can find Humsafar Express (22867) train ticket price in the below table. If you want to book Humsafar Express (22867) Train ticket for Raipur to Delhi, then click on the “Book Ticket Now” button below.

Ticket Fare Table

You will be surprised to know that Humsafar Express (22867) has only 3 AC coaches. Whose ticket price is Rs.1740. For the more detailed train ticket prices of Humsafar Express (22867), check below price table.

NZM Humsafar Express (22867) Ticket Price
Class General Ticket Tatkal Ticket
AC 3 TIER (3A) ₹ 1740 ₹ 2160
AC 2 TIER (2A) -- --
FIRST AC (1A) -- --

Chhattisgarh Express (18237) Train Ticket Price

Whenever one wants to travel to Delhi the Chhattisgarh Express (18237) name is the first that comes to mind. This train starts from Korba Jn (KRBA) and goes to Amritsar (ASR). Which reaches Raipur Jn (R) at 04:00 PM and reaches Hazrat Nizamuddin (NZM) at 08:00 AM via Godia (G), Nagpur(NGP) Gwalior (GWL) & Mathura (MTJ).

Chhattisgarh Express travels from Raipur to Delhi in approximately 28 hours. Because of this passengers do not like to go to Delhi by Chhattisgarh Express. But this train is the best option when you do not have any options. And to travel a short distance Chhattisgarh Express is the best train. For more details on Chhattisgarh Express, you can contact us on click the below button.

Ticket Fare Table

Chhattisgarh Express ticket price from Raipur to Delhi is the same as compared to other trains. Although this train has 2S, SL, 3AC, 2AC, & 1AC all types of coaches. In the table below, the ticket fare for all coaches is given in detail. If you want to book any coach on the Chhattisgarh Express train, then click on the button given below and call us. and book your ticket by WhatsApp & Call…

Chhattisgarh Express (12237) Ticket Price
Class General Ticket Tatkal Ticket
UNRESERVED (GN) ₹ 360 --
SLEEPAR CLASS (SL) ₹ 590 ₹ 760
AC 3 TIER (3A) ₹ 1580 ₹ 2000
AC 2 TIER (2A) ₹ 2285 ₹ 2810
FIRST AC (1A) ₹ 3880 ₹ 4500

Samta Express (12807) Train Ticket Price

If you want to go to Delhi then Samta Express (12807) can be a good train for you. Because this train reaches Delhi in only 22 hours. However, Samta Express (12807) runs from Visakhapatnam (VSKP) to Hazrat Nizamuddin (Delhi) via Rayagada, Raipur, Nagpur, Bhopal & Agra. You will get this train from Raipur Junction (R) at 07:20 PM in the evening. Which makes you reach Delhi the next day at around 06:00 PM.

Ticket Fare Table

Samta Express ticket price from Raipur to Delhi in Sleeper Class (SL) is approximately Rs 620. However, this train has all types of coaches namely 2S, SL, 3AC, 2AC, and 1AC. The ticket price of all coaches is given in detail in the table below.

If you are planning to travel to New Delhi by Samta Express (12807) and want Samta Express tickets. Then click on the button below to give us a call. And book your ticket.

Samta Express (12807) Fare Table
Class General Ticket Tatkal Ticket
UNRESERVED (GN) ₹ 375 --
SLEEPAR CLASS (SL) ₹ 620 ₹ 790
AC 3 TIER (3A) ₹ 1630 ₹ 2050
AC 2 TIER (2A) ₹ 2335 ₹ 2860
FIRST AC (1A) ₹ 3955 ₹ 4750

May Your Journey Be Auspicious, I Pray to God.
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Thank you!

Rohit Sonkar
Author: Rohit Sonkar

Hello friends, my name is Rohit Sonkar. I am the writer and founder of this blog (Saroj Travels), and I share all the information related to train ticket fares, ticket booking, train routes, train timing, and home base ticket booking through this website.

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