Nashik To Mumbai Train Ticket Price

Nashik to Mumbai Train Ticket Price & Booking: In this post, we can find information about all the trains running between Nashik and Mumbai. However, the lowest fare for a sleeper class from Nashik to Mumbai is Rs 145/-. Whereas if you want to go from Nashik to Mumbai by Vande Bharat train, then the chair car fare in Vande Bharat is Rs 805. And the lowest fare for an AC coach is Rs 510/-.

A total of 75 trains run on the Nashik to Mumbai route, out of which 21 trains stop at Mumbai (CSMT), 8 trains stop at Dadar Central (DR), 39 trains stop at Lokmanya Tilak Terminus (LTT) and 7 trains stop at Panvel (PNVL). In the table below we have given the fares of some famous trains running between Nashik Road and Mumbai. If you want to know the fare or timing of any other train, you can contact us on the number given below.

Nashik Road to Mumbai Train Ticket Price List
Train No Train Name Sleeper Fare (SL)
18030 Shalimar - Mumbai LTT Express ₹ 145
13201 Patna - Mumbai LTT Janta Express ₹ 145
12168 Banaras - Mumbai LTT SF Express ₹ 175
12142 Patliputra - Mumbai LTT SF Express ₹ 175
11056 GODAN EXPRESS ₹ 145
15018 Kashi Express ₹ 145
11062 Pawan Express ₹ 145
12810 Howrah - Mumbai CSMT Mail ₹ 175
12106 Vidarbha SF Express ₹ 175
12110 Panchavati Express ₹ 175

NOTE: Fares for only some important or famous trains are mentioned in the above list. If you want to know about any other train, you can contact us without any hesitation.

Panchavati Express Nashik Road to CST Ticket Price

Panchavati Express (12110) runs daily from Nashik to Mumbai. This train departs Nashik Road (NK) at 07:05 AM and reaches Mumbai Central (CSMT) at 10:45 AM. For the convenience of passengers, the chair car fare of Panchavati Express has been kept at Rs 380/-. The fares of other coaches of this train are given in detail in the ticket price list below. This train has to pass through many stations on its way like Deolali, Igatpuri, Kalyan, Dadar Central, etc. This train runs daily on this route. You can contact us to book tickets for this train.

Panchavati Express NK-CSMT Ticket Price List
Coch Type General Fare Tatkal Fare
2S - Second Seating ₹ 105 ₹ 115
CC - AC Chier Car ₹ 380 ₹ 575

Garibrath Express Nashik to Mumbai Ticket Fare & Booking

Garib Rath Express (12187) runs from Jabalpur to Mumbai CSMT. This train departs Nashik Road (NR) at 8 AM and reaches Mumbai CSMT at 12:20 PM in 4 hrs 20 mins. But Garibrath Express has only 3 Tier AC seats. Whose fare from Nashik to Mumbai is Rs 375. This train runs from Nashik Road only 3 days a week which includes Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday.

If you want to book a Nashik to Mumbai ticket in Garib Rath Express then you can contact us at 9120-4200-20.

Mahanagari SF Express NK-CSMT Ticket Price

Here we are going to give information about the morning train Mahanagari SF Express (22178). This train departs Nashik Road (NK) at 07:20 AM and reaches Mumbai Central (CSMT) at 11:40 AM. Sleeper coach fare in Mahanagari SF Express is Rs 175/-. Fares for other AC coaches are given in the ticket price list below. This train passes through Igatpuri, Kalyan, Thane, and Dadar Central stations. This train runs daily on this route. You can contact us to book tickets for this train.

22178 - Mahanagri Exp Nashik to Mumbai Ticket Fare
Coch Type General Fare Tatkal Fare
Second Seating (2S) ₹ 90 NA
Sleeper (SL) ₹ 175 ₹ 425
3A - 3 Tier AC ₹ 555 ₹ 1150
2A - 2 Tier AC ₹ 760 ₹ 1590
1A - 1 Tier AC ₹ 1255 NA

CSMT Rajdhani Express (22222) NK-CST Ticket Price

There is also a daily train CSMT Rajdhani Express (22222) from Nashik to Mumbai. This train runs daily on this route. The facility of sleeper coach has not been provided in Mumbai CSMT Rajdhani Express, only 3A – AC 3-Tier coach has been provided, whose fare has been fixed at Rs 625/-. This train departs Nashik Road (NK) at 08:15 AM and reaches Mumbai Central (CSMT) at 11:15 AM. This train passes through Kalyan station. You can contact us to book tickets for this train.

Rajdhani Express Naashik Road to CSMT Ticket Fare
Coch Type General Fare Tatkal Fare
3A - 3 Tier AC ₹ 730 ₹ 1490
2A - 2 Tier AC ₹ 1033 ₹ 2045
1A - 1 Tier AC ₹ 1560 NA

FAQs on Nashik To Mumbai Trains

For your convenience, we are listing some Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about trains running between Nashik Road to Mumbai (CSMT), which may be useful to you. If you have any other questions, you can feel free to contact us.

Mumbai LTT Express (18030) is the highest-speed train running between Nashik to Mumbai. The total time taken by this train to reach Mumbai from Nashik is 3 hours 55 minutes.

The train number of Vande Bharat Express is 22224.

There are 17 trains that run daily between Nashik Road (NK) to Mumbai Central (CSMT).

Travel time by train between Nashik to Mumbai is 3 hours.

There are a total of 75 trains on the Nashik to Mumbai route.

Hello friends, my name is Rohit Sonkar. I am the writer and founder of this blog (Saroj Travels), and I share all the information related to train ticket fares, ticket booking, train routes, train timing, and home base ticket booking through this website.

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