Delhi To Haridwar Train Ticket Price

There are around 15-20 trains that run daily from Delhi to Haridwar. Out of which 3 trains depart from New Delhi (NDLS), 5 from Old Delhi (DLI), and 9 from Hazrat Nizamuddin (NZM) station. However, in the below table, we have mentioned all Delhi to Haridwar train ticket fares. From this, you can easily know the Delhi to Haridwar train ticket price for sleeper class.

The first train that goes from Delhi to Haridwar is Haridwar Express (19019). Which reaches Hazrat Nizamuddin station at approx 2:45 AM. If you want to know from New Delhi you will get Dehradun Shatabdi Express (12017) at 6:45 AM. For more information, you can call on the below given no.

Delhi To Haridwar Train Ticket Price (Sleeper Class)
Train NoTrain NameSleeper Class (SL)
12017New Delhi - Dehradun Shatabdi Express₹ 815 (CC)
19565Uttaranchal Express₹ 190
12055New Delhi - Dehradun Jan Shatabdi Express₹ 485 (CC)
19609Udaipur City - Yog Nagari Rishikesh ExpresS₹ 175
19031Yoga Express₹ 190
14305Delhi - Haridwar Express (via Shamli)₹ 180
14303Delhi - Haridwar Express (via Meerut)₹ 190
14041Mussoorie Express₹ 200
19019Bandra Terminus - Haridwar Express₹ 185
22659Kochuveli - Yog Nagari Rishikesh SF Express₹ 215
12171Mumbai LTT - Haridwar AC SF Express₹ 215
22917Bandra Terminus to Haridwar Junction₹ 215
14317Indore to Dehradun Express₹ 190
14309Ujjain Junction to Dehradun (UJJAINI EXPRESS)₹ 185
18477Kalinga Utkal Express₹ 190
12401Nanda Devi AC SF Express₹ 215 (Saroj Travels) provides Delhi to Haridwar train ticket booking from home. That too at a convenience fee of Rs 100 only. So if you also want to book tickets for any train ticket from home, then call on the number given below. You can also call for any inquiries & suggestions.

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