Duronto Express Nagpur to Mumbai Ticket Price

Duronto Express Nagpur to Mumbai Ticket Fare & Booking: Two Duronto trains run between Nagpur and Mumbai. whose ticket prices differ. Apart from this, in one Duronto you have also been given non AC sleeper class. Therefore, for your convenience, we have explained in detail about the Duronto Express ticket fares of both trains below. Apart from this, you can contact us for any other information.

NOTE: You can contact us for ticket booking of any of the trains given below. And you can book tickets sitting at home. Or you can also call for any other inquiry.

Nagpur to Mumbai Duronto Express (12290) Ticket Price

Mumbai Csmt Duronto Express (12290) train departs from Nagpur Junction (NGP) at 8:40 PM and reaches Mumbai Central (CSMT) at 8:05 AM. CSMT Duronto Express runs daily between Nagpur and Mumbai. Which passes through Badnera Junction and Bhusaval stations. Sleeper coach is also available in this train. And Duronto Express Sleeper Class ticket from Nagpur to Mumbai is Rs 685. If you want to know this train’s ticket fare in detail, see the table below.

Nagpur to Mumbai Duronto Express Ticket Price
Coch TypeGeneral FareTatkal Fare
SL - Sleeper Class₹ 685₹ 730
3A - 3 Tier AC₹ 1890₹ 2020
2A - 2 Tier AC₹ 2655₹ 2840
1A - 1 Tier AC₹ 3260NA

NGP to CSMT AC Duronto Express (12262) Fare & Booking

Mumbai CSMT AC Duronto Express (12262) train runs from Howrah to Mumbai on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday. Which passes through Nagpur Junction (NGP) at 8:55 PM and reaches Mumbai (CSMT) at 8:15 AM. All coaches in this train are AC. Whose 3-tier AC fare from Nagpur to Mumbai is Rs 2095. The details of Duronto Express Nagpur and Mumbai ticket prices are in the table below.

If you want to book a ticket from Nagpur to Mumbai in Duronto Express (12262), then you can contact Saroj Travels. Saroj Travels provides you with the convenience of online railway ticket booking from the comfort of your home. For more information contact the number given below.

12262 - Duronto Express Nagpur to Mumbai Ticket Fare
Coch TypeGeneral FareTatkal Fare
3A - 3 Tier AC₹ 2095₹ 2225
2A - 2 Tier AC₹ 2860₹ 3180
1A - 1 Tier AC₹ 3540NA

FAQs on NGP-CSMT Duronto Express Trains

Above is the description of 2 Duronto Express trains. We have given almost more information about both the trains on the Nagpur to Mumbai route. But some travelers have many questions in their mind, so here we are answering some of the questions with the help of “Frequently Asked Questions” below. We hope it will be more useful for you. To book Duronto Express train tickets you can contact us at 9120-4200-20.

Duronto Express is one of the fastest train series in India. Duronto trains offer many more passenger amenities than any other train service of Indian Railways. Duronto trains have their own distinct identity as high-speed trains.

2 Duronto Expresses run between Nagpur and Mumbai. The fare of 3 AC in both these Duronto Expresses is as follows…

  • Nagpur Csmt Duronto Express (12290) 3-tier AC fare is Rs 1890.
  • Howrah Csmt Duronto Express (12262) 3-tier AC fare is Rs 2095.

Meals served in premium trains like Rajdhani, Duronto, and Shatabdi Express trains are optional and catering charges are a part of the passenger fare, only if they opt for meals.

From Nagpur to Mumbai Duronto Express (12290) departs from platform 8 at 20:40 daily and HWH-CSMT Duronto Express (12262) departs from platform 4 at 8:55 PM.

Both the trains running between Nagpur and Mumbai are good. But if you want to go in non AC train then you can take the Duronto Express (12290). And if you want to travel in AC coach then HWH-CCMT Duronto Express (12262) will be best for you.

Hello friends, my name is Rohit Sonkar. I am the writer and founder of this blog (Saroj Travels), and I share all the information related to train ticket fares, ticket booking, train routes, train timing, and home base ticket booking through this website.

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