Jabalpur To Delhi Train Ticket Price

Jabalpur to New Delhi Train Ticket Price: Now we will get to know about all the Jabalpur to New Delhi trains like train ticket fares, running days, etc. If you are planning to travel from Jabalpur to New Delhi, you should know about train fares for all trains. So you must know the train fare of all the trains. So let us now roughly know the cost of all trains, General (GN) fare for all trains running from Jabalpur to New Delhi is around Rs 275, Sleeper (SL) fare is around Rs 490 and AC first class fare is around Rs 3100 Yes, if you want to know the different train ticket fare then read the complete article, we have made the table below.

Jabalpur To Delhi Train Ticket Price Sleeper Class
Train NoTrain NameSleeper Class (SL)
11449Jabalpur - Shri Mata Vaishno Devi Katra Weekly Express₹ 450
22181Jabalpur - Hazrat Nizamuddin Gondwana Express₹ 480
12192Shridham SF Express₹ 525
12189Mahakoshal Express₹ 500
12121Madhya Pradesh Sampark Kranti Express₹ 450

Given above is the ticket price for all trains running from Apna Jabalpur (JBP) to New Delhi (NDLS). Nevertheless, here below we have told about the ticket fare of some famous trains. Still, if you have any other questions then comment below.

Shridham SF Express (12192) Train Ticket Price

Shridham Super Fast Express runs daily from Jabalpur to Hazrat Nizamuddin. Whose fare is Rs 300 for General (GN), Rs 525 for Sleeper (SL), and Rs 3320 for 1A-First AC class? If you want to know the fare of other coaches then read the table given below. Let us know about the brief information related to this train.

Shridham Super Fast Express (12192) is one of the prominent trains on this route for Jabalpur Nzm Sf Exp passengers. It starts at Jabalpur station and ends at H Nizamuddin. Due to its 23 stoppage stations, the total time taken by this train is approx 18h 10m. You can easily book train tickets for any station between Jabalpur and Hazrat Nizamuddin through Saroj Travels and enjoy a wonderful journey.

Shridham SF Express (12192) Ticket Fare Table
Coch TypeGeneral TicketTatkal Ticket
SL - Sleeper Class₹ 525₹ 670
3A - 3 Tier AC₹ 1380₹ 1770
2A - 2 Tier AC₹ 1965₹ 2490
1A - 1 Tier AC₹ 3320₹ 3940

Hello friends, my name is Rohit Sonkar. I am the writer and founder of this blog (Saroj Travels), and I share all the information related to train ticket fares, ticket booking, train routes, train timing, and home base ticket booking through this website.

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