Are you thinking to travel from Jaipur to Mumbai by Train then this is the right platform for you, and thanks for visiting my site. Let us see what is the fare for each train tic
that runs from Jaipur to Mumbai. Like Sleeper Class fare is Rs 520 to 560, AC First Class fare is Rs 3375 to 3545 and General Class (UN) fare is around Rs 320. If you want to know about the individual train ticket price and individual coaches, check the table below.
Let us know about the Jaipur to Mumbai train route, a total of 13 trains run from Jaipur to Mumbai.
On an average, each train takes 3 to 4 hours to reach its destination.
Without any delay, let us know which is the fastest train on this route. Mumbai Central super fast express, Bandra terminus gf garib rath express.
Let us now discuss some of the popular trains, which run very fast, and take minimum time to reach your destination.
Table of Contents
Toggle14701 – Aravali Express Ticket Fare
14701 – Aravali Express is an important train from the pink city Jaipur to the financial capital Mumbai. It is available every day of the week from Jaipur to Mumbai.
The ticket fare in this train ranges from Rs 525 to Rs 1995. If you want to know in detail about the fare of this train, you can see the fare table given below or call the official number of Saroj Travel.
JP YPR SF EXPRESS(82654) Ticket Booking Price
The best train in the category of super fast trains is 12956 – Jaypee Mumbai City SF Express. This train travels from Jaipur to Mumbai in 16 hours 55 minutes.
The price of sleeper class ticket in this train is Rs 560. Whereas the ticket prices for 3AC, 2AC and 1AC classes are Rs 1470, Rs 2100 and Rs 3545 respectively. If you book Tatkal ticket in this train then the ticket price may increase slightly and if you want to know the ticket price of 12956 – JP MMCT SF Express in detail then you can see the table given below.
12240 – MMCT Duronto Express Booking Ticket Fare
Duronto Express(12240), an important train to travel from Jaipur to Mumbai in the shortest time, is available for travel 2 days a week, every Tuesday and every Thursday. This train takes you from Jaipur to Mumbai in just 15 hours 45 minutes. This train has 3 executive The price of a Class 1 ticket is Rs 1950, 3 AC ticket price is Rs 2070 and 2 AC ticket price is Rs 2770. If you want to know the price of Second Sitting and First AC tickets on this train, then you can check the fare table given below. You can see or contact Saroj Travel, you can get detailed information about this train and can get the ticket sitting at home at your convenience.
FAQs on Jaipur to Mumbai trains
Questions are asked by passengers about various trains from Jaipur to Mumbai. We are answering these questions in this section.
To travel from Jaipur to Mumbai, Indian Railways has run a total of 13 trains for you, out of which some trains run on a weekly basis and some trains run on a daily basis. Passengers can start their journey on these trains at their convenience.
12940 Jaipur Pune Express from Jaipur to Mumbai departs from Jaipur station at 12:25 pm every Tuesday and Saturday of the week and reaches Kalyan Junction at 5:12 am at stations like Kota, Surat, etc.
The ticket price of 12215 Garib Rath from Jaipur to Mumbai is Rs 990 for 3AC. If you want more information about this train then you can contact Saroj Travels and get detailed information.
The first train from Jaipur to Mumbai, 14701 Aravali Express, departs from Jaipur station at 9:25 am and reaches Mumbai Bandra Terminus at 6:15 am via stations like Ajmer, Marwar etc.