Vadodara To Goa Train Ticket Price

Vadodara to Goa Train Ticket Price and Booking: There are approximately 22 trains per day running from Vadodara to Goa. The minimum ticket fare from Vadodara to Goa is ₹520 for the sleeper class and the maximum fare is ₹4335 for the first AC class. In the section below, we have explained in detail the ticket prices of some famous trains going from Vadodara to Goa. If you want to know the ticket fare of any other train, then you can contact us on the number given below and also book your ticket sitting at home by Saroj Travels.

Vadodara To Goa Rajdhani Express Ticket Price

22414 – NZM Mao Rajdhani Express departs Vadodara station at 5:37 PM two days of the week, Friday and Saturday, and reaches Madgaon at 7:10 am via Surat, Vasai Road, Panvel Ratnagiri. The fares for the 3AC class, 2AC class, and 1AC class of Vadodara to Goa Rajdhani Train Ticket Price are Rs 2550, Rs 3480, and Rs 4335 respectively. For more information about this train and ticket booking, you can contact Saroj Travels.

Rajdhani Expres (22414) Vadodara to Goa Ticket Price
Coch Type General Fare Tatkal Fare
3A - 3 Tier AC ₹ 2550 ₹ 2870
2A - 2 Tier AC ₹ 3480 ₹ 3860
1A - 1 Tier AC ₹ 4335 NA

Vadodara To Goa Maru Sagar Express Ticket Price

If you are planning to start your journey from Vadodara to Goa late at night, then Maru Sagar Express (12978) is the best option for you. Vadodara to Goa ticket price starts from Rs 550. Check the ticket price of this train in the table below. and contact Saroj Travels for Maru Sagar Express online ticket booking.

12978 - MARU SAGAR EXP Vadodara to Goa Ticket Fare
Coch Type General Fare Tatkal Fare
SL - Sleeper Class ₹ 550 ₹ 670
3A - 3 Tier AC ₹ 1435 ₹ 1615
2A - 2 Tier AC ₹ 2045 ₹ 2365
1A - 1 Tier AC ₹ 3435 NA

Vadodara To Goa Duronto Express Ticket Price

If you want to travel from Vadodara to Goa by premium train then you can opt for Duronto 12284. This train will take you from Vadodara to Goa in just 14 hours 53 minutes. The sleeper class ticket price of Vadodara to Goa Duronto Express is Rs 895. You can see the ticket prices of other coaches in the table given below. For further details see the table below or contact Saroj Travels.

Duronto Express Vadodara To Goa Ticket Price
Coch Type General Fare Tatkal Fare
GN - Unreserved ₹ 545 NA
SL - Sleeper Class ₹ 1120 ₹ 1240
3A - 3 Tier AC ₹ 2715 ₹ 2865
2A - 2 Tier AC ₹ 3645 ₹ 3865
1A - 1 Tier AC ₹ 4545 NA

FAQs on Vadodara to Goa Trains

The distance from Vadodara to Goa is 1108 km which is covered by Duronto (12284) in 14hr 53min

Surat to Vadodara Rajdhani Express (22414) 3AC, 2AC, and 1AC ticket prices are Rs 2295, Rs 3145, and Rs 3890 respectively.

However, there are many ways to book tickets in Duronto(12284) like IRCTC, the nearest railway station counter or you can contact Saroj Travels to get the ticket sitting at home.

The first train from Vadodara to Goa Madgaon is 12218 Kerala Kranti Express. It departs from Vadodara Junction at 01:18.

Mumbai To Goa Vistadome Train Ticket Price And Booking
Mumbai To Goa Tejas Express Train Ticket Price & Booking

Hello friends, my name is Rohit Sonkar. I am the writer and founder of this blog (Saroj Travels), and I share all the information related to train ticket fares, ticket booking, train routes, train timing, and home base ticket booking through this website.

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