In this post, you can check Hyderabad (HYB) to Bangalore (SBC) train ticket price, train number, route, and arrival and departure time. Also, you can contact Saroj Travels for Hyderabad to Bangalore train ticket booking.
Approximately 22 trains run on this route. 3 trains run daily and the rest are weekly. Hyderabad to Bangalore Sleeper Class (SL) ticket starts from Rs 365/- onwards. You can check all class tickets from Hyderabad to Bangalore in the fare table below.
Hyderabad To Bangalore Train Ticket Price Sleeper Class | ||
Train No | Train Name | Sleeper Class Fare |
12785 | Kacheguda - Mysuru SF Express | ₹ 385 |
22692 | K.S.R. Bengaluru Rajdhani Express | ₹ 1885 (3A) |
12650 | Karnataka Sampark Kranti Express | ₹ 540 |
17603 | Kacheguda - Yelahanka Express | ₹ 385 |
19301 | Dr. Ambedkar Nagar - Yesvantpur Express | ₹ 530 |
12735 | Garibrath Express | ₹ 745 (3A) |
22533 12591 |
Yesvantpur SF Express | ₹ 405 |
18111 | Yesvantpur Weekly Express | ₹ 455 |
NOTE: The above fare list is for popular trains only. However, there are a total of 22 trains that go from Hyderabad to Bangalore. If you want to know the fare of any other train, you can contact us on the mobile number given above.
Table of Contents
ToggleMysuru SF Express (12785) Ticket Fare
Mysuru SF Express (12785) sleeper class ticket price is Rs 385/-. This train departs from Hyderabad (Kacheguda) at 7:05 PM and reaches Bangalore at 6:25 AM via Gudwal Junction, Anantapur, and Yelahanka Junction.
If you want to know about other coach ticket fares of this train like 3AC, 2AC and 1AC, you can check the detailed ticket fare chart given below. If you want to book any other information or ticket, you can contact us on the number given below.
Mysuru SF Express (12785) Ticket Price List | ||
Coch Type | General Ticket | Tatkal Ticket |
2S - Decond Seating | ₹ 210 | -- |
SL - Sleeper Class | ₹ 385 | ₹ 485 |
3A - 3 Tier AC | ₹ 1005 | ₹ 1320 |
2A - 2 Tier AC | ₹ 1415 | ₹ 1835 |
1AC - 1 Tier AC | ₹ 2360 | NA |
Secunderabad – Bengaluru Rajdhani Express Ticket Fare
SBC Bengaluru Rajdhani Express (22692) train starts from Secunderabad Jn (SC) at 5:25 PM and arrives in Bangalore at 5:20 AM via Raichur Jn & Guntakal Jn. It is only a fully Air Conditioned coach (3A, 2A & 1A) in this train. The 3A – 3 Tier AC fare of this train is Rs 1885/- only. If you like to know any other query about ticket booking, you can call Saroj Travels at below-given number.
Rajdhani Express (22692) Ticket Fare List | ||
Coch Type | General Ticket | Tatkal Ticket |
3A - 3 Tier AC | ₹ 1885 | ₹ 2000 |
2A - 2 Tier AC | ₹ 2565 | ₹ 2730 |
1AC - 1 Tier AC | ₹ 3155 | NA |
Yelahanka Express Ticket Fare
This train starts from Hyderabad (Kacheguda) at 9:05 PM and arrives in Bangalore (Yelahanka Jn) at 9:35 AM via Gadwl Jn, Dhone Jn & Gauribidanur. The General (Unreserved) fare is Rs 200/- and the Sleeper class fare is Rs 365/- from this train.
If you want to know other classes fares, like 3AC, 2AC & 1AC by this train, you should contact Saroj Travels at the below-given number.
Kancheguda - Yelahanka Express (17603) Ticket Fare List | ||
Coch Type | General Ticket | Tatkal Ticket |
2S - Decond Seating | ₹ 200 | -- |
SL - Sleeper Class | ₹ 365 | ₹ 470 |
3A - 3 Tier AC | ₹ 990 | ₹ 1305 |
2A - 2 Tier AC | ₹ 1410 | ₹ 1830 |
1AC - 1 Tier AC | ₹ 2360 | NA |
FAQs on Hyderabad To Bangalore Trains
We can understand that as per the above paragraphs, everything will be satisfactory. Anyway If you have any questions in your mind, there is given a list of Frequently Ask Questions below for your overview.
Kacheguda Yesvantpur Express (16570) is the fastest train from Hyderabad to Bangalore. Which takes only 11 hours 5 minutes.
There are a total of 22 trains running between Hyderabad to Bangalore.
The distance between Hyderabad to Bangalore is approximately 500 kms. And an average Hyderabad to Bangalore train takes around 12 hours.