Mumbai To Lonavala Vistadome Train Ticket Price

Looking for Mumbai to Lonavala Vistadome trains? Want to know Vistadome Coach Mumbai to Lonavala route, fare, train number, train name, and schedule? So here you will get all Vistadome train information about Mumbai to Lonavala & Pune route.

Detailed information about Mumbai to Lonavla Vistadome coach ticket price is given in the below table. For more information, you can contact on the ticket booking number given below.

Vistadome Coach Mumbai to Lonavala Ticket Price
Train No Train Name Vistadome Fare (EV)
11007 Deccan Express ₹ 715
12125 Pragati Express ₹ 780
12123 Deccan Queen ₹ 795

If you want to book a Vistadome coach for any of the above train lists then contact on above mobile number. We provide Vistadome Ticket booking facilities all over India. Through which you can book tickets sitting at your home – Saroj Travels

Deccan Express Vistadome Coach Ticket Price

If you want to travel from Mumbai to Lonavala early in the morning then Deccan Express is the best option for you. Because this train departs from Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Terminus (CSMT) Mumbai at 7 AM. Which reaches Lonavla at 9:38 AM via Dadar, Thane, Kalyan, and Neral Junction.

In the below list, we have given the detailed ticket fare of Deccan Express (11007). In which you will also get the fare for Vistadome (EV) ticket. For any other information, you can contact us.

Deccan Express Mumbai to Lonavala Vistadome Fare
Coch Type General Ticket Tatkal Ticket
Unreserved (GN) ₹ 75 100
CC - AC Chier Car ₹ 265 ₹ 470
EV - Vistdome AC ₹ 715 Not Avilable

Pragati Express Vistadome Coach Ticket Price

If you are planning to travel from Mumbai to Lonavala in the evening then Pragati Express (12125) is the best option for you. Because there is an extraodarny experience on the route from Mumbai to Lonavala in the evening. This train departs at 4:25 PM and reaches Lonavala at 6:46 PM via Dadar, Thane, Panvel, and Karjat Junction. The Pragati Express Vistadome ticket price and booking option are given below.

Pragati Express Vistadome Coach Fare & Booking
Coch Type General Ticket Tatkal Ticket
Unreserved (GN) ₹ 90 100
CC - AC Chier Car ₹ 310 ₹ 510
EV - Vistdome AC ₹ 780 Not Avilable

Deccan Queen Vistadome Ticket Price & Booking

If you are planning to reach Lonavala in the evening then book Vistadome Ticket in Deccan Queen (12123). Because the services of this train are very good. And the Deccan Queen Vistadome ticket fare is Rs 795. Also, the booking convenience fee may have to be paid separately. see the below table to know the Deccan Queen ticket fare with the Vistadome Coach ticket fare.

Deccan Queen Ticket Price Table
Coch Type General Ticket Tatkal Ticket
Unreserved (GN) ₹ 90 100
CC - AC Chier Car ₹ 315 ₹ 515
EV - Vistdome AC ₹ 795 Not Avilable

FAQs on Mumbai to Lonavala Vistadome Coach

Vistadome has many questions in the minds of all travelers traveling from Mumbai to Lonavala. However, in the above section, we have tried to answer almost all the questions. Nevertheless, some common questions are listed below. Even after this if you have any new quiry then you can contact us at 980-780-2062.

If you have authorised IRCTC ID then you can book a Vistadome coach from that. Otherwise, you can contact Saroj Travels at 9120-4200-20 for Mumbai to Lonavala Vistadome ticket booking.

If you use train from Mumbai to Lonavala then you can travel in Vistadome coach. If you go to Lonavala by Vistadome train, then your journey will take four moons.

Hello friends, my name is Rohit Sonkar. I am the writer and founder of this blog (Saroj Travels), and I share all the information related to train ticket fares, ticket booking, train routes, train timing, and home base ticket booking through this website.

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