Pune To Tirupati Balaji Train Ticket Price

Pune To Tirupati Balaji Train Ticket Fare:  Hello friends, are you thinking of going from Pune to Tirupati Balaji Temple, if yes, then here we will tell you about all the trains going from Pune to Tirupati, as well as you will also know what is the sleeper class ticket price of which trains so that you can easily Book tickets and successfully complete the journey to Tirupati Balaji Temple.

There are 11 trains that run from Pune to Tirupati Balaji Temple, which we have listed in the table below along with the ticket prices for all those trains. You can book train tickets for Tirupati Balaji sitting at home by contacting our number below. Or if you need any other information, you can also contact us.

Pune To Tirupati Balaji Sleeper Class Ticket Fare
Train No Train Name Sleeper
16381 Pune - Kanniyakumari Express ₹ 475
16351 Nagercoil Express ₹ 470
22157 Chennai Egmore SF Mail ₹ 500
22159 MGR Chennai Central SF Express ₹ 500
22101 Madurai Weekly SF Express ₹ 500
22179 MGR Chennai Central Weekly SF Express ₹ 500
11017 Karaikal Weekly Expresss ₹ 470
20954 Ahmedabad - MGR Chennai Central SF Expres ₹ 500
22920 MGR Chennai Central Humsafar Express ₹ 500
09419 Ahmedabad - Tiruchchirappalli Special Fare Special ₹ 470
12163 Mumbai LTT - MGR Chennai Central SF Express ₹ 500

If you want to book train tickets from Pune to Tirupati Balaji, you can contact on the number given above. With which you can get train tickets for Tirupati Balaji Temple sitting at home…

Pune to Tirupati AC Train Ticket Price

On the above ticket fare list, we see the Pune to Tirupati Balaji Sleeper class ticket price of all trains. In this section, We know about AC class ticket prices from Pune to Tirupati Balaji Temple. By the way, The Pune to Balaji train ticket price for an AC coach is from Rs 1310 to 1860. For detailed information see the below table of AC coach ticket prices. And if you are interested to book Pune to Tirupati Balaji AC ticket, Then contact us on below mobile number.

Pune To Tirupati Balaji 3 AC Ticket Price
Train No Train Name 3AC Fare 3AC Tatkal Fare
16381 Pune - Kanniyakumari Express ₹ 1275 ₹ 1645
22101 LTT - Madurai Weekly SF Express ₹ 1310 ₹ 1680
12163 Mumbai LTT - MGR Chennai Central SF Express ₹ 1310 ₹ 1680
12163 Pune - Kanniyakumari Express ₹ 1275 ₹ 1645

FAQs on Pune to Tirupati Balaji Train?

We have mentioned all Pune to Balaji train ticket fares in the above section. Which includes Sleeper Class, 3AC Class, 2AC Class, and 1AC Class. Still, many people have different types of questions in their minds. Therefore, Some FAQs are given below. Still, you have any other questions then you can contact us on 9120-4200-20.

Pune to Tirupati Balaji train ticket fare is Rs 635 for sleeper class and Rs 1680 for AC class. Also, if you have booked tickets through any travel agent, then the ticket price may increase slightly.

You can book a 22159 – CSMT Chennai Express ticket to travel from Pune to Tirupati Balaji. It departs from Pune at 4:25 PM and reaches Renigunta Jn at 7:40 AM. For more details contact Saroj Travels.

Hello friends, my name is Rohit Sonkar. I am the writer and founder of this blog (Saroj Travels), and I share all the information related to train ticket fares, ticket booking, train routes, train timing, and home base ticket booking through this website.

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