Bhubaneswar to Delhi Train Ticket Fare & Booking: There are total of 12 trains running between Bhubaneshwar to Delhi. Whose list is given below? Of which trains go to New Delhi (NSDL) Junction. And 4 trains go to ANAND VIHAR TERMINAL (ANVT) JN.
If you are planning to go from Bhubaneshwar to Delhi then you can choose any train from the train list given below.
Also, you can book any train ticket through us, although the train ticket price is given in the list below, you can contact the number given below and get the ticket information. Also, you can know whether the seat is available on the train or not. This facility is completely free.
Bhubaneswar To Delh Train Ticket Price for Sleeper Class
Below is a list of all train ticket prices from Bhubaneshwar to Delhi. However, sleeper coach is not available in some of the trains listed below. That’s why the ticket price of the AC coach on that train has been mentioned. Still, if you have any other questions in your mind, you can contact us at the number given below.
Bhubaneswar To Delh Train Ticket Fare Table | ||
Train No | Train Name | Sleeper & AC Class Fare |
20817 | Bhubaneswar - New Delhi Rajdhani Express | ₹ 2230 (3rd AC) |
20807 | Hirakud SF Express | ₹ 700 |
12281 | Bhubaneswar - New Delhi Duronto Express | ₹ 2120 (3rd AC) |
22823 | Bhubaneswar to New Delhi Rajdhani Express | ₹ 2170 (3rd AC) |
22811 | Bhubaneswar to New Delhi Rajdhani Express | ₹ 2130 (3rd AC) |
12801 | Purushottam Express | ₹ 730 |
18478 | Kalinga Utkal Express | ₹ 770 |
18477 | Kalinga Utkal Express | ₹ 770 |
12875 | NEELACHAL EXP | ₹ 745 |
12815 | Nandan Kanan Express (Puri to Anand Vihar) | ₹ 715 |
22805 | Bhubaneswar - Anand Vihar Terminal Weekly SF Exp | ₹ 760 |
12819 | Odisha Sampark Kranti Express | ₹ 700 |
Above you find the list of all Bhubaneshwar to Delhi train ticket prices. Although sleeper coach is not available in some trains, so we have mentioned the 3rd ac class ticket price of that train. If you need any train ticket given above, you can contact us on the above-mentioned contact number.
Bhubaneswar to Delhi Rajdhani Express Train Ticket Price
Rajdhani Express (22823) is one of the most popular train between Bhubaneshwar to Delhi. This train starts from Bhubaneswar and reaches New Delhi via Cuttack, Tatanagar, Gaya, Prayagraj, and Kanpur Central.
This train consists of only AC-type coaches which include 3rd AC, 2nd AC, and 1st AC coaches. Below we have given the train ticket price of all coaches of Rajdhani Express in detail.
However, if you need any other information, you can contact us at our train ticket booking number. Also, you can book a Rajdhani Express train ticket from Bhubaneswar to Delhi by paying ₹100 for the Convenience Fee. Contact us for more information.
22823 - Rajdhani Express Train (BBS - NDLS) Ticket Fare | ||
Coch Type | General Ticket | Tatkal Ticket |
AC 3 TIER (3 AC) | ₹ 3680 | ₹ 3885 |
AC 2 TIER (2 AC) | ₹ 5025 | ₹ 5320 |
AC 1 TIER (1 AC) | ₹ 6255 | ₹ 6675 |
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