Vijayawada To Tirupati Train Ticket Price

Vijayawada To Tirupati Train Ticket Price & Booking: If you are looking to travel from Vijayawada to Tirupati, 33 trains are running between Vijayawada and Tirupati. Which includes 7 daily, 19 weekly, 3 biweekly, and 1 triweekly trains. These include Antyodaya, Duronto, Holiday Special, Humsafar, Mail Express, Super Fast, Vande Bharat, and Vivek trains.
However, if you want more information about these trains, check out the paragraphs and table given below. Or contact the official number of Saroj Travels.

Vijayawada To Tirupati Vande Bharat Exp Ticket Price

MAS Vande Bharat (20678) runs between Vijayawada Junction and Chennai Central railway station. As per MAS Vande Bharat Express (20678) timings, this train departs from Vijayawada station at 03:20 PM and reaches Renigunta station at 08:05 PM. In which the price of the Chair Car and executive class ticket is Rs 1175 and Rs 2110 respectively. However, if you want more information about this train, you can see the table given below.

20678 - MAS VANDEBHARAT (BZA-RU) Ticket Fare
Coch Type General Fare Tatkal Fare
CC - AC CHAIR CAR ₹ 1175 ₹ 1495
EC - AC EXECUTIVE CLASS ₹ 2110 ₹ 2530

Vivek Express Vijayawada To Tirupati Ticket Price

22504 – Vivek Express runs from Vijayawada to Tirupati 4 days a week. In which the price of sleeper class tickets is Rs 270 and the price of 3AC and 2AC class tickets are Rs 690 and Rs 960 respectively. If you buy tatkal ticket on this train then the ticket prices may increase slightly.

22504 - VIVEK EXPRESS Train Ticket Fare
Coch Type General Fare Tatkal Fare
SL - Sleeper Class ₹ 270 ₹ 410
3A - THIRD AC ₹ 790 ₹ 980
2A - SECOND AC ₹ 960 ₹ 1280

Krishna Express (Vijayawada To Tirupati) Ticket Price

Are you planning to travel from Vijayawada to Tirupati on weekdays? So 17406 – Krishna Express is available for you. From which you can start your journey. In which the price of sleeper class ticket is Rs 245 and the price of chair car and 3AC class ticket is Rs 535 and Rs 660 respectively.

17406 - KRISHNA EXPRESS Train Ticket Fare
Coch Type General Fare Tatkal Fare
SL - Sleeper Class ₹ 245 ₹ 395
CC - AC CHAIR CAR ₹ 580 ₹ 690
3A - THIRD AC ₹ 660 ₹ 1105

Vijayawada To Tirupati  Duronto Express Ticket Fare 

12245 – SMVB Duronto Express is ready for your journey. In which the price of a 1AC ticket is Rs 1995. This train departs from Vijayawada station at 4:25 am on 5 days of the week and reaches Renigunta station at 9:55 am. For more information about this train, see the table given above or contact the given number

FAQs about Vijayawada to Tirupati Trains 

However, in the above section, information about some major trains from Vijayawada to Tirupati is given. But in this section, we are answering some questions asked by the passengers.

More than 8 trains run daily from Vijayawada to Tirupati. Some of which run on a weekly and some on a daily basis, the following trains start from Vijayawada to Tirupati. Howrah SMVB Express (12863), Sheshadri Express (17210), Kerala Express (12626), NS DMM Express (17247) MTM DMM Express (17245) etc.

Yes, Vande Bharat Express (20678) is available from Vijayawada to Tirupati. This train departs from Vijayawada Junction at 3:15 PM and reaches Renugunta Junction at 8:05 PM.

The distance from Vijayawada to Tirupati is 376 km which is covered by 12626 Kerala Express in 6 hours 15 mins.

Hello friends, my name is Rohit Sonkar. I am the writer and founder of this blog (Saroj Travels), and I share all the information related to train ticket fares, ticket booking, train routes, train timing, and home base ticket booking through this website.

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