Vizag To Tirupati Train Ticket Price

Visakhapatnam (Vizag) to Tirupati Train Ticket Price & Booking: Are you looking for a train from Visakhapatnam to Tirupati? You can choose from a large number of trains running regularly on this route. Ticket fare for trains running between Vizag and Tirupati starts from Rs 395 and can go up to Rs 2570.
However, to get accurate information about Visakhapatnam to Tirupati railway timetable and Visakhapatnam to Tirupati train fare, you can see the table below or contact Saroj Travels.

Visakhapatnam to Tirupati Humsafar Express Ticket Fare 

If you want to travel from Visakhapatnam to Tirupati in TPTY Humsafar Express (20889), then the ticket price for 3AC will be Rs 1275. However, ticket prices may increase at the time of online ticket booking. For detailed information about the fare of this train, you can contact Saroj Travels.

20889 - TPTY HUMSAFR EX Train Ticket Fare
Coch Type General Fare Tatkal Fare
3A - THIRD AC ₹ 1275 ₹ 1455

Howrah Puducherry Express (Vizag To Tirupati) Ticket  Price 

12867-Howrah PDY SF Express ticket fare starts from Rs 425 to Rs 1580. If you want to know the ticket fare of this train in detail, then see the table given below. Or you can contact Saroj Travels.

12867 - HWH PDY SUF Exp Train Ticket Fare
Coch Type General Fare Tatkal Fare
SL - Sleeper Class ₹ 425 ₹ 545
3E - 3 AC ECONOMY ₹ 1035 ₹ 1355
3A - THIRD AC ₹ 1275 ₹ 1450
2A - SECOND AC ₹ 1580 ₹ 1910
1A - FIRST AC ₹ 2645 NA

Vizag to Tirupati Vivek Express Ticket Fare 

Visakhapatnam to Tirupati sleeper class ticket fare in Vivek Express (22504) is Rs 425 and 3AC and 2AC class tickets are Rs 1110 and Rs 1565 respectively. This train runs 4 days a week from Visakhapatnam Junction at 3:50 am and reaches Renigunta Junction at 3:50 am via Rajahmundry, Vijayawada etc.
If you would like other information related to this train or want to book ticket online then contact the number given below.

22504 - VIVEK EXPRESS Train Ticket Fare
Coch Type General Fare Tatkal Fare
SL - Sleeper Class ₹ 425 ₹ 545
3A - THIRD AC ₹ 1110 ₹ 1430
2A - SECOND AC ₹ 1565 ₹ 1985

FAQs on Visakhapatnam to Tirupati Train 

In this section, we are answering some questions asked by passengers. If you have any other questions related to the Vizag to Tirupati trains? So you can ask us by commenting below. Or contact Saroj Travels anytime. We will try to help you as much as possible.

Tirumala Express (17488) Vizag to Tirupati Sleeper class ticket fare is Rs 395. And the AC coach ticket price starts from Rs 990 to Rs 2570. To get complete information about this train and book tickets online from home, contact Saroj Travels.

Vizag to Tirupati double-decker (22707) train ticket fare is Rs 925 for AC Chair Car (CC).

Double-decker (22707) chair car ticket from Visakhapatnam to Tirupati is priced at Rs 925. If you take a Tatkal ticket on this train then the ticket prices may increase slightly.

The total distance covered by 22707 Double Decker from Visakhapatnam to Tirupati is 760 km. This train covers 13 hrs 30 mins.

22504 – Vivek Express leaves Visakhapatnam Junction at 3.50 pm and reaches Renigunta Junction at 3.05 am via Rajahmundry, Vijayawada Nellore etc.

There are many ways to book train tickets from Visakhapatnam to Tirupati. You can book tickets from home by contacting IRCTC, the nearest railway counter, or Saroj Travels.

Nizamabad to Tirupati Train Ticket Price & Booking
Secunderabad To Tirupati Vande Bharat Express Ticket Price

Hello friends, my name is Rohit Sonkar. I am the writer and founder of this blog (Saroj Travels), and I share all the information related to train ticket fares, ticket booking, train routes, train timing, and home base ticket booking through this website.

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